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Volunteer Work in New Zealand

Volunteer Work in New Zealand

Citizens Advice Bureau throughout the country provide free information and advice to their communities.  Bureaux are always looking for volunteers to work on a roster system. Currently, it is extremely difficult to find volunteers who can commit regular time to working on a voluntary basis.  One of the ways of attracting volunteers is to promote the educational and learning opportunities that the bureau training (introductory and ongoing) provides. One of the focusses of our bureau is to encourage the members of our community to get involved with the bureau, complete the training and offer their services on a regular rostered basis so that they provide support to the bureau, the community and also, to themselves.  The training and ongoing support provided to volunteers has lead many of them into employment and further training.  The outcome is satisfactory for all the parties involved - bureau, community and the individual.

.: Contact Us

If you would like to know more you can contact us at:
Postal Address:

Global Volunteer Network Ltd,

PO Box 30-968Lower Hutt

New Zealand.

Physical Address:

Level 2105 High Street

Lower Hutt



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.: Contact Us

If you would like to know more you can contact us at:
Postal Address:

Global Volunteer Network Ltd,

PO Box 30-968Lower Hutt

New Zealand.

Physical Address:

Level 2105 High Street

Lower Hutt
