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Study Accountancy in the United Kingdom

AAT's Education and Training Scheme

The AAT's Education and Training Scheme was designed by employers for employers to give people the skills they require to succeed in the ever-changing workplace. The move more than five years ago to the competence-based approach to training reflected employers needs for a structure providing more practical assessment against occupational standards.

Two and a half years ago, Cable and Wireless, the international telecommunications company, linked up with the AAT in its Caribbean region, to offer the Scheme. Andrew Meadows, Cable and Wireless Controller of Financial Planning and Analysis, said: "The AAT's Education and Training Scheme was selected to provide a benchmark standard for accounting support staff and to increase the potential for career development." From extensive research by Cable and Wireless, amongst its finance staff, the clear preference for competence-based training led the company to introduce the AAT qualification.

Again, it was evident from a presidential visit to Cyprus made by AAT earlier this year that the tremendous growth in the country's economy and industry, and, in the 3, 000 off-shore companies, also registered there, has meant the need for a skilled workforce is stronger than ever. And at one employers meeting, Mr Theedoros Parpens, Partner at Price Waterhouse, Nicosia, reinforced this message giving a personal account of how Accounting Technicians are benefiting industry and commerce.

Employers willingness to register as Approved Assessment Centres shows the high regard in which the AAT's competence-based Education and Training Scheme is held. Indeed, with the recognition and support of more than 30, 000 employers worldwide, the Scheme increasingly fulfils a valuable specialist function.

Association of Accounting Technicians  

Association of Accounting Technicians

Association of Accounting Technicians

154 Clerkenwell Road

London EC1R 5AD


Tel: +44 (0) 20 7837 8600

Fax: +44 (0) 20 7837 6970

