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ESCOLA - English School Community of Luanda

Rua de Cambambe No 21-23, Bairro Patrice Lumumba, Luanda, Angola

Tel: (+244) 222 443416

Fax: (+244) 222 443326


Web site:


Administrator- Florbela Lopes

Director of Education- Gillian Davidson

Administrative Director- Fernando Gomes

Directora Pedagógica- Celia Fontes

Treasurer- Fátima Barbosa


Full time:   0 men, 13 women

Part time:   0 men, 6 women

Nationalities:  8   CURRICULUM AND EXAMS:

Curriculum:   National, International,


Age Range: 3-14

Total Enrolment: 155

Nationalities: 30

70 boys, 85 girls

Junior Primary: 114

Senior Primary: 53


Day only: US$ 17600-US$ 30000

Other Fees: Entrance: US$6,000-$15,000; Sport kit: US$180; Yearly Registration: US$1100

E.S.C.O.L.A., an acronym for the “English School Community of Luanda Angola", opened its doors at the start of the 2003/2004 academic year. It was born out of a need, by parents in the city of Luanda for an International School, after the already established Luanda International School moved out of the city to Talatona - a district some 20 km out of the city centre. E.S.C.O.L.A. remained on the existing premises and a few of the administration and teachers who had been founders of Luanda International School were, likewise, founders of E.S.C.O.L.A. From an enrolment of 27 students in the first year E.S.C.O.L.A. has grown in numbers and now has an enrolment of 166, catering to students from Pre-Primary 3 to Grade 8.

Right from its creation E.S.C.O.L.A. has welcomed students of differing nationalities and cultures. The current enrolment is made up of 47% Angolan students, with the balance representing 20 other nationalities, from around the globe. In this environment, respect for other cultures is a core aspect of the school, and our diversity is celebrated by holding an International Day annually.

E.S.C.O.L.A. aims to provide, in the medium of English, a learner-centred education of the highest calibre that is relevant in the Southern African and international context. The curriculum is eclectic in nature, and although centered round Outcome Based Education, has been adapted to incorporate international trends. At the start of the 2012/2013 academic year Singapore Mathematics has been introduced. Being our host country, included in the curriculum are aspects of the culture, history and geography of Angola as required by the Angolan Ministry of Education.

E.S.C.O.L.A. is associated with the well-established Colégio Português and the Board of Trustees is responsible for the governance of both schools. The students of both schools benefit from the cross-cultural exposure in such an environment and interaction between the two schools is encouraged. Consequently, our second language, which is Portuguese, is enhanced through social interaction while students begin formal lessons in Portuguese in Grade 2.

E.S.C.O.L.A. is a caring school environment that provides opportunities for students to become empathetic citizens of the world by encouraging them to think of others less fortunate than themselves - World Stand Up Against Poverty Day is celebrated annually and we currently support the Community School’s Project based in Luanda.

E.S.C.O.L.A. provides opportunities for individuals to enhance their talents in a variety of areas. Sport is integrated into the school day while swimming, for all classes, takes place in the school's pool. During the course of the year both a Junior concert and Primary supper theatre are held, as well as an annual creative book day, and art exhibition. Various optional extra-curriculum activities are offered each term for students in Grade 0 to 8. Students belonging to the combined E.S.C.O.L.A./Colégio Português swimming team, are trained after school, and take part every year in the Luanda Mini League swimming galas.

E.S.C.O.L.A. encourages communication between Parents and Teachers and to this end has an open door policy. Reports are forwarded to Parents in the first and third term, while Parent interviews are held in the second term as well as a Student Led Conference day.

E.S.C.O.L.A. is also a member of ISASA (the Independent Schools Association of Southern Africa) and ANEP (Associação Nacional do Ensino Particular).