EducaTur Viajes
ARGENTINA English Schools
Educatur TRAVEL is a
travel agency which offers intercultural education
programs in the Netherlands, Canada, USA, Brazil, UK,
South Africa, Germany, Italy, France and Australia.
It is identified by its dedication to service in the
world of tourism and education, for its innovative
spirit in domestic and international and proactive
attitude towards quality, with careful attention to the
We provide travel agencies, tourist products and
services quality regional, national and international,
so that tourists can enjoy the best destinations to suit
your tastes and preferences.
We know what we do because we like to travel, learn and
discover different natural and cultural expressions!
Founded: 2003
Website: ar
Phone: +54 0810 266 5464
E-mail: ar
Dean Funes 381, 1º Piso, oficina 34
5000 Cordoba