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Aviation Studies

Flying in the Sun
Avondale college Flying School

Australia is a land of contrasts, excitement and enthusiasm. When compared with other international destinations, Australia has excellent weather, friendly people, very favourable exchange rates, and high quality educational opportunities. Australia really is one of the top choices for launching your flying career.

Flying training in Australia is growing rapidly within the higher education sector. More and more universities around the nation now offer degree level courses in aviation. Several inter- national airlines have also established extensive. training bases in Australia because of the advantages of the Australian aviation environment. British Aerospace is one such organization, with aviation programs in the cities of  Tamworth in New South Wales and  Adelaide in South Australia.

Learning to fly in Australia provides excellent opportunities to explore a fascinating country with exotic wildlife and scenery and a  very relaxed life- style. Training can be completed in a relatively short time frame, so career objectives can still be met while travelling and exploring.

Australia is internationally recognized as a leader in setting and maintaining aviation standards, with a safety record that is the envy of many other countries. Another advantage of learning to fly in Australia is the opportunity to fly in a wide range of weather conditions. It is possible to sharpen ones flying skills in the drier clear inland regions or humid coastal fringes with increased cloud and rainfall. Or on other occasions to fly in the colder southern climate or the steamy northern tropical conditions.

Aviation  degrees in Australia include significant management components, with a view to developing the administrative skills of those choosing a flying career. Postgraduate programs offer even greater opportunities for those wishing to pursue higher qualifications.

Short Courses

For any who may not wish to spend the three years required to gain an aviation degree, there are other options. Shorter courses offered by universities (such as the Diploma of Aviation taught by the Avondale School of Aviation) enable both Commercial Pilot Licence qualifications and Air Transport Pilot Licence Theory qualifications to be completed in just twelve to eighteen  months. Students are given the opportunity to progress from initial training to multi-engine training, command instrument training, and Airline Theory subjects, such as Flight Planning, Systems, and Air Law based on the Public Transport category Jet aircraft. All courses are conducted in English.

Many schools are located close to a variety of airspace types, and can provide valuable experience conveniently and cost-effectively.

Australian Advantages

Learning to fly in Australia does have great advantages - good weather, favourable exchange rates, an enviable aviation reputation, and high quality flying programs. Starting your aviation career in Australia is a decision you will be very glad you made, and one that brings with it many unexpected rewards.

528 Freemans Drive

 NSW 2265

PO Box 19

Freecall Australia:  

1800 804 324

Direct Line:  

Tel: 02 49802222
Fax: 02 4980 2118



528 Freemans Drive


 NSW 2265


PO Box 19



Freecall Australia:  

1800 804 324

Direct Line:  

Tel: 02 49802222

Fax: 02 4980 2118

