Study Health Sciences in Australia
Ranck University of Sydney
What embodies Australia? -
high technology, excellent communications, state-of-the-art facilities, modern
infrastructure, fairness and above all, a sense of having a go! These qualities and
more are part of what studying in Australia is all about. Studying for a career in
health in Australia will put you in the fore- front and make you a winner! Health is a major concern facing citizens the world over, there are real issues facing both
developed and developing nations - and studies in Australia ensure that these
issues are addressed at various levels. Whether you are looking for an undergraduate course,
postgraduate course, postgraduate research opportunities, partnerships and collaboration in
academic activities, short courses, conference partners and facilities, professional development, study
abroad, clinical placements or electives and other pharmaceutical and health related
activities - you need look no further.
Already Australians in various health professions have contributed greatly to the world's
knowledge of medical and health sciences. The Royal Flying Doctor Service, for example,
led the world in its innovative approach to the health care of remote and scattered
communities. Australian researchers have made out- standing contributions to world knowledge.
The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), which has become
the major founding body for medical, dental and health research in Australian
Universities, funds research grants, fellowships and numerous research programs to the tune of millions
of dollars every year. Pharmaceutical companies and other industries also work in close
collaboration with Australian universities. The rewards for doing research and contributing
to better ways of delivering good health to the world's population are enormous. According to recent economic analysts, health is a major area of growth for job prospects
and furthering a career. In Australia, currently the forecast for the next five years is for an
increased demand for registered nurses, mid- wives, mental health nurses,
physiotherapists, occupational therapists, medical imaging professionals and
pharmacists, to name just a few. The variety of careers is so vast that any-
one wishing to work in this exciting and fast- changing environment should be
investigating the many options and pathways available, and ensuring that the
courses they choose are well-designed and well-recognised.
Australian universities keep in close contact with professional associations to ensure that
courses meet requirements. The Australian Government also maintains a register
to ensure that courses comply with accreditation requirements. Thus, students are
well-placed when they return home, having had a professional experience in
academic institutions, as well as experiences in field placements, and formal
associations with teaching hospitals and clinics. There are 37 public universities in Australia and two private universities. Most
have a variety of health sciences offerings, and four Australian medical schools offer graduate Medicine. Thus,
there is the exciting possibility of becoming a medical doctor or doing
medical research, even if you have started a career in another
discipline. The graduate entry scheme allows for flexibility, but it also ensures that the decision
is well-considered, taking into account the level of commitment required to be doctor. Dentistry is taught at several universities, but the University of Sydney is
the first and only Australian university to introduce graduate dental entry as from
2001. Nursing and allied health programs are offered in all states of Australia.
These professions are at the cutting edge of professional education and
scholarship, offering programs that are acknowledged worldwide as being comprehensive,
challenging, dynamic and of high academic standard. When choosing your career in the health sciences, look for flexibility, quality teaching
and research facilities, optional entry path- ways/ ease of research and support
structures, international recognition of the degree, high job satisfaction rates,
variety in specializations/ and above all, student friendliness! The total Australian experience comes complete with an exciting, vibrant and welcoming environment in which to live and study.
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