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Study International Health in Australia

 Centre for International Health at Curtin University

An aspiration to advance knowledge and improve the health and well-being of people throughout the world.

Our Mission

Current StudentsA dedication to the creation, dissemination and application of knowledge in international health. Through our teaching and research activities we hope to develop graduates and cultivate global partnerships in order to enhance the health and wellbeing of people.

The study and practice of international health is of fundamental importance in a world of changing demographics and increasing political complexity. Health care issues are not limited by geographic boundaries. Often, their identification and solution requires international cooperation particularly if their management is long-term. The Centre is dedicated to the advancement of knowledge and applied skills in international health.

Staffed by practitioners who are internationally recognised for their work in disease prevention, surveillance and control, the Centre is making a contribution to increased health status in many developing countries in our region. The study undertaken in all postgraduate programs includes the psycho-social-political dimension. These higher qualifications enhance career opportunities. 

Graduate Programs

Graduate Certificate in International Health

Postgraduate Diploma in International Health

Master of International Health

Doctor of International Health

Doctor of Philosophy


Jo Crothers

Division of Health Sciences

Curtin University

GPO Box U1987

Perth WA  6845


Phone: 61 8 9266 3970

Fax:  61 8 9266 2608

E Mail:


Link to Curtin homepage

Photograph of students


Jo Crothers

Division of Health Sciences

Curtin University

GPO Box U1987

Perth WA  6845


Phone: 61 8 9266 3970

Fax:  61 8 9266 2608

E Mail:


School of Physiotherapy

School of Occupational Therapy