Kindlehill School8-12 Lake Street Wentworth Falls NSW2782 Tel: 02 4757 4402 Fax: 02 8569 2310 Email: Website: Key Details Type: Independent Level: Combined Gender: Coed Religious Affiliation: Non-Denominational Alternative: Steiner Playgroup Little Kindlings Playgroup offers a nuturing Steiner-inspired environment for preschool aged children. The playgroup is held on the school grounds to prepare the young children for transition into the school. The Kindy Garden At Kindlehill the Kindy Garden is just that - a garden. It is a place where children can grow and unfold. The Kindy days are permeated with a blend of stories songs art craft and practical activities. This environment provides them with the nourishment and foundation for health and wellbeing as they move into their future years at the school. Year 1 to 6 At Kindlehill we see education as a wellspring for life. We believe education must provide the foundation for meeting the challenges that come at every stage of life. Formal learning is introduced gradually in first class. Children need time to savour and digest what they learn. We avoid over intellectualising young children and protect them from the world of advertising. Instead we surround children with real life learning experiences where they are constantly creating ideas relationships and beautiful and useful things. High School The Kindlehill high school provides an inspirational and dynamic Steiner-based curriculum that meets the academic social and emotional needs of young people. Parent Involvement At Kindlehill the families are an intrinsic part of the school. Parents are active in making the school environment the beautiful and welcoming place it is. It is our experience that the participation of parents in the school warms and enriches their children's experience. It also allows for the formation of long and lasting friendships within the community. Kindlehill Events The Spring Fair will be held on Saturday 5 November 2011. All welcome. Please call the school for more information. Announcements: Kindlehill is the only K-10 Steiner school in the Blue Mountains and one of few in NSW. The school holds regular Open Days and Fairs and all are welcome. The Spring Fair is a wonderful day celebrating the school and the Blue Mountains in bloom. Spring Fair is Saturday 5 November 2011. Teachers are available for discussions with parents regarding curriculum and the school community. Please contact the school to speak directly with a teacher or for information on our next event. |