Loreto College316 Portrush Road Marryatville sA 5068 Tel: 08 8334 4200 Fax: 08 8364 3153 Email: info@loreto. sa.edu.au Website: www.loreto. sa.edu.au Key Details Type: Catholic Level: Combined Gender: Girls Religious Affiliation: Catholic Boarding: Yes Early Learning: YesInternational Baccalaureate: Yes International Students: Yes Scholarships: Yes Enrolments Application for enrolment is made by submitting a completed application form one for each applicant together with the requested documents and application fee to the Enrolments Manager. Receipt of each application form is acknowledged by letter. Additional application forms are available from the Enrolments Manager upon request. All applicants are placed on waiting lists in date-of-application order. Placement on a waiting list does not guarantee acceptance which is finalised after interviews are held. Priority is given to students who are baptised Catholics. Siblings are given special consideration. New students are accepted at all year levels where vacancies exist. There are two intakes at Reception level term 1 for children who turn five on or before 30 June and Term 3 for children who turn five on or before 30 September. Beyond Reception the main intake levels are Years 6 and 8 with smaller intakes at Years 3 and 11. Boarding Loreto College Marryatville is the only all girls Catholic Boarding School in Adelaide. The boarding precinct is home to approximately 55 girls from country South Australia interstate and overseas. Despite our proven record of high achievement at Loreto pastoral Care is acclaimed by parents to be our greatest strength. Nowhere is this more so than in our Boarding School where students are encouraged to develop initiative and self-reliance and to act both independently and responsibly. Boarding School life provides the opportunity to establish life-long friendships and enables each student to develop qualities of resourcefulness leadership and maturity. Boarders are cared for by Senior Staff and their Junior Assistants who have empathy with and understanding of the special needs of young people. The senior girls take much care in ensuring that younger students feel a sense of belonging at the Boarding School. A "Little Sister" programme encourages a very comfortable and caring relationship between older and younger students. Community Loreto has a rich tradition of strong community spirit made good with family ties over generations long lasting friendships and energies given to help the School and each other. Social and fundraising events are held throughout the year by students parents past parents and OS groups. For new parents this begins with a warm welcome by the Principal and P&F together at our ever popular New Parents’ Cocktail Evening held in the beautiful heritage gardens. So begins what is an exciting and rewarding journey as new friends are found and opportunities taken to get involved in the life of the School. Announcements: Loreto College marryatville is an independent Catholic day and boarding school providing outstanding educational opportunities for girls from Reception to SACE (Year 12). Loreto prides itself on a proven record of academic achievement offering a broad range of subject choices and extra-curricular programs that cater for the diverse abilities and interests of our girls. Established in 1905 and one of seven Loreto schools across Australia we are proud to build on 400 years of international heritage. It is our privilege to continue the work of Mary Ward that began in 1609 with the foundation of the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary. More Information: |