Prince Alfred CollegeDequetteville Terrace Kent Town sA 5067 Tel: 08 8334 1200 Fax: 08 8363 0702 Email: Website: Key Details Type: Independent Level: Combined Gender: Boys Religious Affiliation: Uniting Church Early Learning: Yes Learning Extension: Yes International Students: Yes Scholarships: Yes About PAC Prince Alfred College is one of the oldest and best-known schools for boys in Australia. The College comprises three schools the Preparatory School including the Early Learning Centre for children aged 2-4 and boys from Reception to Year 6 the Middle School for students in Years 7 to 9 and the Senior School for Years 10 to 12. We educate 1 -18 year-old boys every year including overseas students and boarders. In everything we do we aim to inspire excellence. Helping boys become men • With nearly 140 years of experience in teaching boys we understand what makes them tick. • Knowing boys means we teach them the way boys learn best. • We set high expectations – and the boys respond with high achievement. • We value every boy’s individuality – and they learn to value each other. • We see their leadership potential – and they rise to become leaders. • We are committed to helping all our boys develop into men who have confidence integrity and compassion. • We see their moral values as being as important as their grades. Learning Christian principles and commitment to academic development and service and care for others is the essence of a boy's education at Prince Alfred College. Our outstanding stimulating and creative environment ignites a passion for learning and the imagination of boys nurtures creativity and aids achievement. The school environment nourishes creativity through: • offering International Baccalaureate programs for primary middle and senior students: o Primary Years Programme (PYP) for students in Reception to Year 6o Middle Years Programme (MYP) for students in Years 7 to 10o International Baccalaureate Diploma (IBD) and SACE for students in Years 11 and 12• emphasising the development of critical and creative thinking skills• encouraging discovery and exploration in research problem-solving and open-ended learning• balancing academic formation with strong programs in outdoor education sport music chess drama art debating and other co-curricular activities• supporting students in a strong system of pastoral care based on sound Christian moral and ethical values with an emphasis on the social development of young men. Our Purpose • We view students as individuals and take them on an educational journey. • Our goal is to realise the potential in every boy and help him become a compassionate well rounded man of integrity. • We succeed when boys discover their talent and use it for the good of others. • We teach our students to question what lies ahead of them and to think creatively. Our core curriculum is a unique combination of traditional values and progressive thinking. • We ask our students – not what have you achieved – but what have you contributed?We invite you to discover how Prince Alfred College will inspire excellence in your son. Announcements: Open Day Please visit our website or contact the school to find out about our next Open Day School Tours To arrange a personal tour of the school please contact us. More Information: Location: |