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Study Psychology in Australia

Psychology at USQ

Approximately 6,400 International students from more than 100 nationalities are currently studying at USQ via three modes of study: on-campus, off-campus and online.

The Australian Universities Quality Agency reports that internationally, USQ is a leader in developing innovative program delivery while at the same time maintaining a strong commitment to educational quality.

The Faculty of Sciences

The Faculty of Sciences encompasses teaching and research in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, computing, psychology and nursing grouped into four departments: Biological and Physical Sciences; Mathematics and Computing; Nursing; and Psychology and a number of research centres: the Centre for Astronomy, Solar Radiation and Climate; the Centre for Biomedical Research; the Land Use Research Centre; the Centre for Rural and Environmental Biotechnology; and the Centre for Rural and Remote Area Health.

The breadth of interests in the Faculty facilitates a stimulating multi-disciplinary environment for both students and staff, an example of which is the current developments in teaching and research in bioinformatics.

Australia is embracing, as is much of the rest of the World, an economy which depends on the intellectual prowess of its workforce, the so called "knowledge economy".  Science and Technology underpins such an economy. It is crucial for the Nation's future prosperity that it has a scientifically skilled workforce and a community that is scientifically literate.

Thus it is an exciting and potentially rewarding time to be studying the sciences.  The Faculty of Sciences can offer you an outstanding learning experience in a caring yet stimulating intellectual environment at both the undergraduate and postgraduate level.

The Department of Psychology is one of the largest in the Faculty of Sciences with a total yearly enrolment exceeding 1300 students in on campus and distance courses. All programs offered in Psychology at USQ are currently accredited by the Australian Psychological Society (APS).

Psychology Course Information

Degree and Course Information




Offshore Programme

Further information:

Faculty of Sciences

University of Southern Queensland

Toowoomba Qld AUSTRALIA 4350

Telephone: (07) 4631 1540

Fax: (07) 4631 2721



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Faculty of Sciences

University of Southern Queensland

 Toowoomba Qld AUSTRALIA 4350


(07) 4631 1540


(07) 4631 2721

