Study Public Health in AustraliaQCPH (Queensland Centre for Public Health)The Centre Directorate is based in the School of Public Health, Queensland University of Technology, Kelvin Grove Campus. These universities established Queensland's first Master of Public Health Program in 1991 and have been delivering a postgraduate public health program since that time. They currently offer a Master of Public Health, Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate in Public Health. In 1995, The Queensland Centre for Public Health was established as an initiative of the consortium to meet the growing need for a sustainable and fully-developed centre to respond to Queensland's public health education, training and research needs. The programs and broad range of subjects offered by the Centre aim to meet the new challenges for public health and to position its graduates strategically within these new developments. The Centre is now a key participant in initiatives to enhance the public health status of Queenslanders. Through collaboration and consultation with many agencies, the Centre is able to identify and deliver timely, relevant and quality education, training and research. We endeavour to make our programs easily accessible. A significant number of subjects are offered in external mode to facilitate particpantion from remote locations. The Centre continually strives to enhance the learning experience for its students, through a process of quality review and improvement. We encourage students to contribute to the quality of our policies, procedures and programs through; representation on the Centre's Consultative Committee, subject evaluations, and direct feedback to academic staff.
Public Health Program, School of
Public Health, QUT - Kelvin Grove Campus,
Kathleen Lilley E
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