| Sathya Sai Primary School9 Nullum Street Murwillumbah NSW2484 Tel: 02 6670 8800 Fax: 02 6672 6016 Email: principal@sathyasai.nsw.edu.au Website: www.sathyasaischoolaust. org Key Details Type: Independent Level: Primary Gender: Coed Religious Affiliation: Non-Denominational Early Learning: Yes Learning Extension: Yes Welcome to Sathya Sai School Our school offers an outstanding education encompassing the academic artistic physical and personal development of students. Based on the teachings of Sathya Sai the school not only focuses on learning but also gives attention to developing good values. Core Values The unique and characteristic feature of education at the Sathya Sai Primary School are the five Human values of Truth right Conduct peace love and Non-violence. Excellence in Education Sathya Sai School offers a holistic education of a high standard including: • A philosophy engaging the head Heart and hand• Caring dedicated and qualified graduate teachers• A school culture based on human values• A strong literacy and numeracy program• Whole school sports programs; inter-school team sports swimming and athletics• Creative performing and visual arts• Successful innovative music program Positive Educational Outcomes Our educational approach means children acquire a language of values which is displayed in their interpersonal communications with other students and adults. Children show higher self-esteem and confidence and our students' academic results are above average. Teachers love their daily work and parents find that the human values program helps children to be more relaxed and responsive at home. School Mission Our school mission is “to provide and model a safe school environment based on human values which honours the uniqueness of all children enabling them to realise their inner potential of character development and academic success”. Community & Citizenship The school plays an important role in the community by providing tuition free education for all. This ensures all members of the community have ready access to a non-religious education system based on human values. Moreover we have a unique integrated service learning program where students from grade one to six participate in service learning projects/clubs. Students rotate through these service clubs rendering service to the environment animals and the less fortunate. By promoting selfless service sSPS provides students with the opportunity to rise above themselves and make a difference in their community. Announcements: School Tours Please contact the school for more information about the special education we offer and to arrange a tour of the school and facilities. |