Study Mechanical and Sustainable Energy Engineering
Why Study Mechanical and Sustainable Energy Engineering
Associate Professor Bassam Dally University of Adelaide
Mechanical and Sustainable Energy Engineeringis a field closely related to Mechanical Engineering and is also
available as an internationally recognised and soon to be accredited
degree program at The University of Adelaide. As a sustainable energy
engineer, you will be concerned with making conventional energy sources
cleaner and more efficient as well as working with renewable energy
sources such as geothermal, tidal, wave, wind, solar, hydro, pumped
storage and biomass. You will also be concerned with building design for
minimum energy usage, developing new renewable energy sources, and
designing facilities to generate and distribute renewable energy. You
will also be able to progress to similar resource management and people
management roles as mechanical engineers. |
All six degree programs at The
University of Adelaide involve 4-years of full-time study (including
work required to achieve an Honours degree) and all except Mechanical and Sports Engineering and Mechanical and Sustainable Energy Engineering are also offered as
5-year double degrees with Mathematics and computing Science. In
addition, a double degree in Science is offered for Aerospace and
Mechanical Engineering. A double degree with Law (6.5 years), one with
Petroleum Engineering, one with Economics and one with Finance (5-years)
are available with the Mechanical Engineering program only. The
Aerospace, Automotive, Mechanical and Mechatronic degrees and double
degrees are all accredited by The Institution of Engineers, Australia
and recognised all over the world. The Sports and Sustainable
Engineering programs are new offerings in 2008 and will be accredited
soon after the first graduates emerge at the end of 2011.
The City of Adelaide has a
population of just over one million people. The University of Adelaide
is located right in the centre of the City Business and Shopping Area.
There are many great things about Adelaide. It has wonderful weather;
even in winter there are many sunny days, with blue skies and
temperatures around 20 degrees- and it never snows! Although there are
some hot days in summer, the humidity is very low, so it is not too
uncomfortable. One of the many noticeable things about Adelaide is the
lack of traffic jams, and the fast 15 minute drive from the airport to
the centre of the city, where The University of Adelaide has its main
campus. Adelaide is just one hour away from three famous wine-making
areas, where one can sample the great wines free of charge at the cellar
doors. Just a few hours north of Adelaide lie the mighty Flinders
ranges, with colours that have inspired many famous landscape artists,
and which are characterised by numerous lonely water holes and many
kilometers of outstanding bushwalking tracks. Australians regard
recreation and sport as an important part of life. The number of
different recreational activities and types of sporting clubs in and
around Adelaide are too numerous to mention. Many of the activities are
represented by clubs based at the universities, thus helping overseas
students to become involved in local culture and activities.
Adelaide is considered to be the
hi-tech capital of Australia, and can offer mechanical, automotive,
aerospace, mechatronic, sports and sustainable energy engineers many
interesting jobs. Also, current immigration laws have been relaxed for
graduates, making it much easier to obtain permanent residence on
completion of a university degree.
Associate Professor Bassam Dally
Head, School of Mechanical Engineering
University of Adelaide
S.A. 5005
Phone: +61 8 8303 5460
Fax: +61 8 8303 4367
Web: http: //