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Belgium Schools - Antwerp International School

Antwerp International School

180 Veltwijcklaan, 2180, Ekeren, Belgium

Tel: (+32) 3 543 9300

Fax: (+32) 3 541 8201

http: //

School Summary:

Founded 1967

540 students, 3 - 18 yrs

International curriculum, e.g. IBO, IGCSE

75 staff

The The Antwerp International School was founded in 1967 for students from English-speaking and international communities in the greater Antwerp area. It is a non-profit association operated by a self-perpetuating Board of Directors. The mission is to educate young people to be responsible, caring, productive members of a democratic society in a global community, and to prepare them for continued education. The school is committed to excellence and maximizing the potential of all students who comprise of over 40 different nationalities.

The approach to learning is student-centred. The curriculum is inspired by educational principles that give value to the importance of understanding, academic discipline, service, the arts and good health. The programmes provide opportunities for students to work both independently and collaboratively with the goal of helping them to learn to solve problems, meet challenges and develop a respect for others perspectives.

The school is concerned with the student s social, physical, emotional and intellectual development. The Elementary School provides a traditional education to support the development of children as they move to become confident and independent learners in the Middle and High Schools. In the middle school, learning is through exploration, open-ended questions, projects, group work, and peer presentations. The High School endeavours to meet the needs of the university-bound student through well established and successful International GCSE and International Baccalaureate programmes. A minimum of 22 credits is required for graduation. Approximately 95% of the graduates go on to universities in Europe, the United States or Asia.

The overall student teacher ratio is 8: 1 and all teachers are fully qualified. The average teacher has 11 years of experience and remains at AIS for eight years. The school year comprises three trimesters for reporting purposes. Classes meet the equivalent of five/six periods per week. Extra-curricular activities include sports, yearbook, chess club, photography, arts, music, drama, computer, performing arts, speech and debate and MUN. A wide range of sports are offered including International School fixtures. There is also an extensive field trip programme. The school is fully networked with Information and Communications Technology throughout the School. Six buildings house the school. There are 45 classrooms, four science laboratories, a library, three specialist computer centres, ESL classrooms, two gymnasiums, art and music studios, large multi-purpose area and theatre, learning improvement centre, a kitchen and cafeteria, three playgrounds, and approximately fourteen acres comprising the campus area. Admission is based on fluency in English and supporting educational records and references from the child's previous school.

AIS is accredited by CIS and NEASC.