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British Junior Academy of BrusselsThe British Junior Academy of Brussels is an English-speaking international private school situated in the heart of Brussels within easy reach of the European Institutions, NATO, embassies and business districts: it has excellent public transport connections. The school offers a high quality education to children between the ages of 2½ and 11. The course of study is based on the English National Curriculum for the core subjects of numeracy, literacy and science - integrated with an internationally-biased programme for history -geography, CDT, music and computer studies. Physical education includes a weekly programme of swimming and gymnastics, complemented by a wide range of extra-curricular activities. French is an integral part of the curriculum and is taught according to ability; and, for children who do not have English as their first language, a carefully structured programme is provided to develop their English to the appropriate level.There is a specialist Early Years Department which includes the Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Reception classes. A Foundation Stage curriculum is provided, following the guidelines set down by the English department of Education: the emphasis is on the development of confidence and early learning skills in a happy and secure environment.The school is housed in an elegant five-storey villa which provides a light and airy classroom environment for the children and staff. The small class sizes allow the provision of individual attention in a family atmosphere. The teaching staff throughout the school are highly qualified with graduate degrees; and they are supported by specialists in Early Years education, Special Needs and English as a Foreign Language. The pupils wear a distinctive and practical school uniform. An active Parent-Teacher Association complements the whole to give a welcoming and thriving sense of community.   Address:

Boulevard St Michel 83, 1040, Brussels, Belgium

Tel: (+32) 2 732 5376

Fax: (+32) 2 732 5376

School Summary:

International, UK, curricula.

100 students, 3-11 yrs.