High Connections
Intercambio e Viagens
Brazil English Schools
More than ever, having knowledge of a foreign
language shows that people are open and ready to face
the cultural challenge of the future.
Borders between countries are becoming increasingly
open, either for socio- economic, cultural and even
political reasons. Thus, the fact that an individual can
express itself only in one language represents a bleak
The search for dynamic and proficient employees in the
job market is constantly growing. High Connections comes
in to enhance people skills and assemble better
professionals, by providing a link between schools and
universities abroad and students. We provide courses to
over 400 clients and offer high-quality opportunities.
High Connections represents institutions with the ALTO
(Association of Language Travel Organizations) and FYITO
www.highconnections.com. br
Phone: +55 62 39410516
contato@highconnections.com. br
Rua 1128 #214 St Marista