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Best Colleges for International Students in Canada

Algonquin College

Algonquin College, located in Ottawa, Canada's Capital, offers applied degrees, diplomas and post-graduate programs, as well as English as a Second Language.

Algonquin College is the largest college in Eastern Ontario with over 100 programs focused on applied learning. The college has a wireless campus and provides state-of-the-art technology and facilities for students in advanced technology studies, business, media arts/design, health sciences, hospitality and tourism.  


Ottawa, Canada's Capital, is the fourth largest city in Canada and has over 1, 800 private IT firms, many of whom offer our students the opportunity to complete paid internships leading to post-graduate employment opportunities.  

Co-operative education programs provide student work placements or field work which enables students to graduate with knowledge and experience in their chosen field. Algonquin's industry partnerships provide the necessary skills and learning essential in today's workplace. Many Algonquin diploma programs can be transferred to universities in Canada and abroad.
  The International Education Centre offers both personal and academic support to over 900 international students from more than 70 countries. With three on-campus student residences, 24/7 Computer Access Labs, a gymnasium, Fitness Centre, and many student clubs and competitive sports, Algonquin students enjoy a superb living environment.  The college has just opened a new facility which is a fully-enclosed soccer complex which can be used year round for competitive sports.


Susan Olszynko, B.A.
Manager, International Marketing and Recruitment
Algonquin College
1385 Woodroffe Avenue
Ottawa, ON Canada K2G 1V8

Tel: (613) 727-4723 ext.7295

Fax: (613) 727-7665



algonquin college logo


Susan Olszynko, B.A.
Manager, International Marketing and Recruitment
Algonquin College
1385 Woodroffe Avenue
Ottawa, ON Canada K2G 1V8

Tel: (613) 727-4723 ext.7295

Fax: (613) 727-7665


