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Post-secondary Educational and Skills Training Centres in Canada

College of the North Atlantic Canada

Students have the opportunity to live and study on the eastern edge of the western world at College of the North Atlantic. We welcome students from all ages, countries, and walks of life to enjoy the warm hospitality, unique culture, and safe environment for which the province of Newfoundland and Labrador is known world-wide.

In choosing this exceptional destination you will gain a quality education and you just might discover the experience of a lifetime!

We are Newfoundland and Labrador's public college - one of the largest post-secondary educational and skills training centres in Atlantic Canada, with a history dating back more than 40 years. Today we have 17 campus locations throughout Newfoundland and Labrador and one in the Middle East State of Qatar. We offer nearly 100 full-time diploma programs and more than 300 part-time courses for some 20, 000 students each year in:

College of the North Atlantic (CNA) continues to have the lowest tuition fees of any post-secondary institution in Atlantic Canada. We offer an impressive world-class, nationally accredited range of programming that meets the highest demands of industry; transferability opportunities that promote continuing education at home and abroad; research and development leadership in community and regional innovation; and precedent-setting international partnerships.

Our Distributed Learning Service (WebCT certified) continues to grow exponentially as we expand our distance offerings - now over 200 courses: http: // . Our Centres of Excellence further enhance the learning experience, as they provide expertise and equipment, emerging technologies, and the benefits of linkages with industry partners such as Sun Microsystems and Silicon Graphics.


Our Division of Student Services provides personal and academic counseling to all students of the College. Student tutoring and other learning resources are also available. The Student Council organizes various activities for students throughout the year, including sports, recreation activities and special events.

International students can also use the services of the International Student Coordinator. Staff of this office are sensitive to the special needs of international students and are experienced in providing support to them, especially upon first arriving at the College.

Services include:
  • Airport Reception - students are met upon arrival to the province.
  • Housing - prearrangement of homestay or living accommodations
  • Orientation - information sessions on health, weather, banking, transportation, taxes, etc.
  • Assistance with immigration matters such as renewal/extension of visas, work permits, reinstatement of status, etc.
  • Liaison with sponsoring agencies, foreign governments, consulates and embassies.
  • General advising and counseling regarding personal and financial concerns.
  • Language assessment.

The College does not charge any extra fees for these services.

All students at College of the North Atlantic have free access to the Internet and a variety of software, accessible through the College's many networked computers.

Do we have the right to claim a superior product Indeed we do! The provincial Department of Education's CareerSearchfindings prove that a higher percentage of CNA's graduates find high-paying jobs specific to their field of study than those from other post-secondary options rewarding, lucrative jobs doing what they were trained to do.

To us, it's a basic equation of supply and demand - and CNA delivers!


College Of The North Atlantic
International Services
1 Prince Philip Drive
P.O. Box 1693
St. John's, NL  A1C 5P7
Tel: +1-709-758-7442
Fax: +1-709-758-7505

Canada Education


College Of The North Atlantic
International Services
1 Prince Philip Drive
P.O. Box 1693
St. John's, NL  A1C 5P7
Tel: +1-709-758-7442
Fax: +1-709-758-7505