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Study at Heritage College and Seminary Canada

Heritage is a Christian institution. It's a place where the Bible is central in the classroom and in life. Within our Christian community, students enjoy athletics, music, socials, and a host of other extracurricular activities. Christian friends are important. Faculty are godly role models. It's a place that offers students maximum opportunity to grow in all dimensions of life.

Why Choose Heritage

  • Quality professors that care

  • High academic standards

  • Life-long friendships

  • Affordable tuition

  • Variety of scholarships

  • Beautiful campus

  • Comfortable residences

  • Christian community

  • Foundation for life

Every educational program at Heritage College consists of a substantial core of Biblical and theological studies. In a college degree these courses are complemented by a number of general subjects.

Heritage requires students in both the college and seminary to participate in field education. Students are involved in various ministry opportunities giving them hands-on experience. In most degree programs, students must complete an internship in order to graduate, thereby ensuring their level of experience and improving their 'marketability.' Internships have helped many of our students receive job offers in their field of endeavour before they graduate.

Most Heritage students are preparing for church and parachurch ministries with a goal of serving God through helping people. Over 1800 alumni now serve as pastors, musicians, worship leaders, youth pastors, children's ministry directors, missionaries, counsellors, school teachers amazing opportunities exist for our future grads!

This is the Heritage experience... a thorough Biblical foundation coupled with professional skills that can be used anywhere!

Mission Statement

Heritage exists to glorify God by partnering with churches in providing a biblically based education equipping people for life and ministry in the church and the world.

Philosophy of Education

Our philosophy of education is based on the conviction that God has revealed himself through creation and the written Word. We believe that the Bible in its original autographs is verbally inspired of God, inerrant, and is the final authority in matters of faith and practice. Consequently, we emphasize the study of Scripture and seek to apply its principles in all areas of life.

Because all truth is from the divine Creator, we are committed to teaching students that God's truth is the integrating factor for all of life. Therefore, our educational curriculum encompasses biblical, general, and professional studies.

We view learning as the cooperative process of faculty guidance, self-directed study, and student life and ministry. The integration of God's truth is a Spirit-directed process as a consequence of the personal appropriation of the redemptive work of Jesus Christ. Our objective is to prepare the student for holy living, and a full expression of abilities and gifts in the body of Christ.

Since Jesus Christ is Lord of both the individual and the community, we understand that the principles of Scripture must dominate our policy making, administrative procedures, interpersonal relationships, and classroom activities.

College Goals

In order to equip the student for a life ministry, the following goals have been established. The graduate of Heritage is a person who:

Demonstrates a growing personal relationship with God that is evidenced through consistent Christian conduct.

Practises a healthy lifestyle.

Exhibits cultural awareness and appropriate skills in interpersonal relationships.

Thinks critically, is competent in biblical, general, and professional studies, and is maturing in Bible based convictions.

Understands the nature of emotions and expresses them appropriately.

Has acquired an increased understanding of global ideas and events, and has developed an international mind-set, and is prepared to live and speak redemptively in the world.

Has developed skills as a vocational or non-vocational servant for the church of Jesus Christ according to aptitudes, gifts, and abilities.

Has an appreciation for and participates in wholesome expressions of culture.

Seminary Goals

Heritage Seminary seeks to graduate students with the following academic preparation, character development, and ministry skills:


The student is able to articulate the theological foundations for the practice of ministry.

The student is grounded in the exacting disciplines of biblical studies, theology, hermeneutics, and exegesis.

The student is able to think and reflect critically based on logical, biblical, and theological principles.


The student reflects a growing relationship with God that is demonstrated by consistent Christian conduct in the realms of the family, the local church, the unbelieving world, and personal living.

The student has a clear sense of pilgrimage and mission in this world, and reflects a commitment to the values of life in the kingdom of God.

The student is developing a ministry mindset that reflects the spirit of servanthood and dependence on God.


The student is developing such foundational ministry skills as oral and written communication, leadership, teaching, administration, counseling, interpersonal relationships, discipleship, and evangelism.

The student is able to critically address contemporary issues from a biblical world view and a sound theological framework.

The student is multicultural in perspective on ministry, and has foundational skills for developing relevant models of ministry for various cultural settings.


Heritage College & Seminary

175 Holiday Inn Drive

Cambridge Ontario

N3C 3C2 Canada

Tel: 519-651-2869

Toll-free: 1-800-465-1961






Heritage College & Seminary

175 Holiday Inn Drive

Cambridge Ontario

N3C 3C2 Canada

Tel: 519-651-2869

Toll-free: 1-800-465-1961

