Training for Work in CanadaHumber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning is one of Canada's leading learning solution providers, offering specialized bachelor's degree programs in addition to diploma, certificate, apprenticeship and postgraduate programs. Based in Toronto, Humber serves 15, 000 full-time and 55, 000 part-time learners in over 350 postsecondary programs specializing in applied knowledge and skills development for the workforce. Humber also provides customized corporate training and business-to-business partnerships to 11, 000 employees annually. Humber is one of 12 Vanguard Learning Colleges in North America, selected for its excellence in education and training. Humber has two campuses in the west end of Toronto - the Humber North Campus, located 10 minutes north of Pearson Airport, and the Humber Lakeshore Campus, located on the shores of Lake Ontario within easy access of downtown. Each has a unique character that is shaped by its location, program mix, student body, size and campus activities. Since 1967, Humber has been a leader in education in North America. In 2003, Humber was designated by the government of Canada as an Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning, in recognition of our excellence and innovation. This allows Humber to offer up to 25 bachelor's degree programs, while continuing to provide outstanding postsecondary and postgraduate programs at the diploma and certificate levels. Highlights
International StudentsAt Humber, we know that making the move to another country involves a lot of choices: what city should I choose, what program is right for me, which educational institution will provide me with the services I need And, more importantly, where will I feel the most welcome We invite you to scroll through our website. Take your time. Read everything. When you're done, we're convinced that you will want to make your move to a place that invites international students to learn, to grow, to make friends, and to take the first step towards an exciting career. After all, we welcome students from more than 65 countries each year! Choose Humber
ProgramsMaking a move to the next step in your career can be a challenge. You should choose a program that fits with your interests and abilities and that will prepare you for the world of work today and tomorrow. You expect that the program you choose will give you the skills international employers require. At Humber, we can do all this and more! Every program Humber offers is developed by a team of experts from education and the workplace. They make sure that you get the information and the practical experience you need to move confidently into your first job after graduation - wherever in the world you choose to work. The Ontario Education SystemClick Hereto discover where your studies at Humber can take you. Program FormatsBachelor's Degrees:
Upon graduation, some students choose to continue on to
university or to a
postgraduate or
program at Humber. Certificates Postgraduate Certificates:
University Transfer:
Foundation Studies
English Language Centre Areas of SpecialisationOn Humber's web site, programs are grouped into areas of specialization. To find
out more about our programs, you can search under the area that most interests
you (www.postsecondary. humber. ca) or if you know the exact program, go directly
to the The general areas of specialization are:
University Transfer OptionsUpon completion of their Humber diploma, many students choose to continue on to
a degree at Humber or another institution. Due to the educational rigour of our
programs, many universities are prepared to offer transfer credits to successful
Humber graduates. Humber's transfer guide outlines the wide variety of
opportunities for further study in Canada and around the world (United States,
Switzerland, Canada, France, and more).