ESL and University students from around the world enter the
Canadian university system through Northern Lights College. You can live in homestay, study in safety, improve your English communication, increase your
TOEFL or TOEIC score, and earn or transfer university credit. If YOU come to
Northern Lights College YOU can be successful too!
16 Years of Commitment to International Students!
NLC can help you fulfill your educational dreams. Our
department will work as a team to help you reach your goals. NLC is a
small institution so the staff is friendly and interested in each
student. You'll feel comfortable talking with us or asking for help.
International students take part in a range of
programs, including
English as
a Second Language ,
University Arts and Sciences (University Transfer) , and a wide
assortment of academic and vocational programs. These include everything
Business Management ,
Aircraft Maintenance Engineering and
Industrial Instrumentation Mechanics . A world of opportunity is
yours at NLC.
We are concerned that you succeed in your courses! Northern Lights College hires the best faculty and staff available. Your teacher will be a dedicated and experienced professional. NLC academic classes ranked highest in student satisfaction and intellectual stimulation in the most recent British Columbia Government survey.
Be sure to review our International Education website.
Check out the the links on the left-hand side of this page!
Please email to obtain more information.
Northern Lights College
International Education Department
Box 1000, Fort St. John, BC
Canada, V1J 6K1
Fax 1-250-785-1294 or 1-250-787-6224