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Interdenominational School in Canada

Study at Providence College and Seminary

Greetings from the President

Thank you for your interest in Providence. It is a privilege to share with you who we are and what we do.Providence education is based on an evangelical statement of faith that affirms the infallible authority of the scriptures in everything they teach. Providence is an interdenominational school governed by a Board of Directors, elected from the Corporation which represents the supporters of the School. The College and Seminary student body includes a diversity of denominations; Pentecostal, Baptist, Mennonite and Evangelical Free are among the majority. Over the years Providence has distinguished itself with alumni who had a significant influence in the evangelical movement in Western Canada and beyond. These include Henry Hildebrand, founder of Briercrest Family of Schools, Erwin Lutzer, pastor at Moody Memorial Bible Church in Chicago, and Andrew Karsgaard, medical missionary with The Evangelical Alliance Mission and founder of a hospital in Pakistan.  The College currently has a full time equivalent of about 400 students, and the Seminary a full time equivalent of almost 200 students. The mission of Providence is to glorify God by providing an evangelical education at a University level.

A Quick Overview

Where We AreProvidence College and Seminary is located in Southern Manitoba, close to the geographical center of Canada. Manitoba is a prairie province with an emphasis on agriculture in the south and natural resources in the north.

Since 1970, Providence has occupied a 100-acre campus at the town of Otterburne, 50 kilometers (30 miles) south of Winnipeg, the capital city of Manitoba. The campus is an attractive rural setting beside the Rat River, shaded by towering elm trees and dominated by the main building's historic bell tower.
Winnipeg, Manitoba's largest city, is a major communications and transportation centre, and has an international reputation for arts and culture. Numerous surrounding towns offer opportunities for involvement in church and youth minist A Bit of HistoryProvidence began in Winnipeg in 1925 as Winnipeg Bible Training School, the vision of Rev. H.L. Turner. The name was soon changed to Winnipeg Bible Institute. Over the next 45 years it remained a small but academically vibrant school. It received a provincial charter to grant theological degrees in 1949 and was renamed Winnipeg Bible Institute and College of Theology. In 1963 the college moved to a full degree-granting program and was again re-named, this time to Winnipeg Bible College, a name it retained until 1991. In 1970, Winnipeg Bible College faced a financial and enrolment crisis. The building it was occupying in Winnipeg was slated for destruction and the school needed a new home. That new home turned out to be St. Joseph's College, a Roman Catholic high school in Otterburne which had been closed a few years previously. The college moved there in the fall of 1970 with 70 students enrolled for classes. Within a few years the school had grown to 300 full-time students. In 1972 a longtime dream became reality with the formation of a graduate division called Providence Theological Seminary. In only 24 years, the seminary has become one of Canada's most respected independent seminaries, with full membership in the Association of Theological Schools (ATS). In 1992, in an effort to more accurately represent both its theological roots and its broad academic program, the school's name was once again changed to Providence College and Theological Seminary. The name is steeped in tradition -- one of its buildings was named Providence House -- and it also speaks of God's provision for the school over its 75 years of providing the best in Christian education. What We Do HereIn spite of the growing emphasis on pluralism in Canadian society, Christian thought and morality still pervade most of our public institutions. Our country's emphasis on justice, fairness, and freedom are deeply Christian concepts. Students come to Providence College primarily for the Christian content of the teaching it provides. Although the school enjoys a reputation for academic excellence, this excellence is viewed as a means to an end, and not the end itself. Still true to its roots in the Bible College movement, Providence requires its students to study the Bible as a textbook, coming to grips with hard questions about life and society and learning to consistently apply their faith to their daily lives. This approach holds true in all areas of study. General Arts courses are taught from a Christian perspective, the Business program emphasizes Christian ethics, music is taught with a component of service to others, and not mere performance. Students learn that Christians are on earth to improve their society, not to exploit and degrade it.

English Language Institute

The Intensive English Program is designed to prepare international students whose first language is not English for successful academic  study at the College/Seminary level. Answers are available to some of the questions you may have on
Information for Prospective Students . Students entering the program should be a minimum of low Intermediate or high beginner level in the English proficiency.

Providence College

Founded in 1925, Providence College is a trans-denominational Christian College, and is part of the larger Providence College and Theological Seminary family, a learning community of more than 800 students. Our Mission Statement:

The mission of Providence College is to educate students as Christians at a university level to think, live and serve in the church and society. Enrolment: 450 students, 16 full-time faculty, 20 part time faculty Course Transferability: 80% of our courses transfer to the University of Manitoba, Brandon University, and other Canadian universities. Providence is fully accredited with the Accrediting Association of Bible Colleges. Degree Recognition: "Where do I go from here" is a question asked by many graduating students. For those who desire to go on to further education, a degree from Providence is a firm stepping stone. An increasing number of universities are accepting students on the strength of the degree they earned at Providence. The following schools have accepted a Providence College graduate into one of their graduate programs:

  • Regent College (Vancouver)

  • Seton Hall (New Jersey)

  • University of Manchester (England)

Providence Theological Seminary

For the last decade, Providence has been one of Canada's four largest seminaries. But we are still small enough for both faculty and students to be on a first-name basis. Founded in 1972, the seminary is both evangelical and transdenominational. About 25% of our students are Baptist, an equal number are Mennonite, and the remaining 50% are composed of people from Free Church, Alliance, Pentecostal, Presbyterian, Brethren, and many other groups. We appreciate unique denominational backgrounds but emphasize everyone's Christian pilgrimage. Our faculty tend to mirror the denominational backgrounds of our students. Currently, it includes men and women from Baptist, Mennonite, Free Church, and non-denominational churches. All are unapologetically evangelical and all come to their teaching duties with professional ministry experience in their teaching fields. Our Biblical and Theological faculty all have previous pastoral experience, our Global Studies faculty have previous missions backgrounds, our Student Development faculty have all worked in Student Services, and our Counselling faculty were all professional counsellors. The faculty are still active in their ministry outside the Seminary. The Biblical and Theological faculty preach regularly and serve in various church-related roles, and the counselling faculty still do private counselling. In this way we all keep on the cutting edge of what is happening in the real world.

Our Mission:

Providence Theological Seminary is an evangelical institution whose purpose is to serve the Church, in the accomplishment of its mission, by preparing and supporting leaders, developing resources, and facilitating theological reflection.


Providence College and Seminary

General Delivery
Otterburne, Manitoba
Canada  R0A 1G0 Tel: +1 204 433 7488 Toll free: +1 800 668 7768 Fax: +1 204 433 7158





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Providence College and Theological Seminary


Providence College

and Seminary

General Delivery
Otterburne, Manitoba

Canada  R0A 1G0

Tel: +1 204 433 7488

Toll free: +1 800 668 7768

Fax: +1 204 433 7158
