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Study for an MBA in Saskatchewan

College of Commerce (University of Saskatchewan) Canada

Canada EducationThe University of Saskatchewan MBA program can be completed in 12 months - from September to August. Its intensive and highly integrated format will develop your management ability in an applied and useful way. More than that, you will learn the people skills of management including how to manage yourself, how to communicate effectively and how to lead.

A decidedly unique aspect of this innovative MBA program is its completely integrated first term. You will be introduced to the technical tools of management through real life case studies and organizational examples. Conceptual material is presented holistically, incorporating each functional business area.

The second unique aspect of the program is the sector based specializations. You will have the opportunity to specialize in one of Agribusiness Management; bioTechnology Management; Health Services Management; Indigenous Management; or International Business Management. You now have the option to customize your MBA.

When you graduate, you will have developed an approach to management that is both integrative and strategic. You will have a deeper understanding of your organization and its local and global context, and you will have developed your personal competencies in areas such as interpersonal communication, team building and leadership. Finally, you will have obtained sector-specific knowledge in one of the above specializations representing vital areas of growth and opportunity in today's economy.

Mission Statement:

The mission of the University of Saskatchewan MBA program is to educate personnel within the agriculture, bioTechnology, aboriginal business, health services, and international business sectors to become the most successful business leaders within their industry. The MBA program draws from the University of Saskatchewan's and the Province of Saskatchewan's unique strengths as world leaders in these industries to deliver a valuable, intensive, and industry specific MBA curriculum. Faculty and colleagues within the MBA program become valuable business contacts and life-long friends.


Vision Statement:

The University of Saskatchewan MBA program will become the most advantageous MBA program in Canada, for personnel involved with the agriculture, bioTechnology, aboriginal business, health services, and international business sectors. Future business leaders in these industries will be attracted to the University of Saskatchewan MBA program from all over the world to benefit from an MBA which is focused on their industry. The University of Saskatchewan will use its unique strengths in these areas to deliver an education that is innovative, progressive, and dedicated to providing students with the specific tools and knowledge required to become successful business leaders within their chosen industry.

A Program Designed with You in Mind

Twelve months to a specialized MBA

In today's fast-paced business environment, taking a lengthy leave from the workplace is difficult, and can be detrimental to your career. That's why the University of Saskatchewan has designed an intensive, highly specialized MBA that can be completed in only 12 months. In one short year, you can earn an MBA tailored to your current occupation, or designed to launch you on a new career.

Foundational Qualities

An excellent manager is a complete person. The program will help you increase your own self-awareness, your ability to work with others, your ability to provide effective leadership and your sensitivity to ethical issues in the workplace and in society.

Integrated Learning

Excellent managers continuously weave together a wide variety of skills as they guide their organizations. The general manager's life is not neatly partitioned into functional areas. Our MBA program reflects organizational reality. It is highly integrated and problem oriented. Specific technical skills are introduced as they are needed so that their importance and application is both immediately clear and memorable. Classes are focused on real-world application of this knowledge. The intensive, experiential and case-based format of the MBA program allows you to apply the knowledge you have gained from the theoretical portion instantly into business situations. In this way you will be able to gain a much deeper understanding of the course material presented.


A Multidisciplinary MBA

The University of Saskatchewan MBA Program is unlike programs offered at other universities. We offer an MBA that is industry-specific and tailored to meet your needs as a business leader in the following fields:

Agribusiness Management
bioTechnology Management
Health Services Management
Indigenous Management
International Business Management

Knowledgeable Colleagues

Three years of work experience required before admission to the program ensures that your colleagues in the University of Saskatchewan MBA Program are knowledgeable and experienced industry leaders. Interaction with your classmates will add another dimension to your learning, complementing the course materials presented to you. Furthermore, the friendships you form at the University of Saskatchewan will follow you throughout your personal and professional life.


Diversity Within the Student Body

The University of Saskatchewan MBA program has historically had a very diverse student population with a mix of male and female students, international and Canadian students, as well as students with diverse undergraduate backgrounds. This distinctive learning environment will enrich your MBA as you have an opportunity to discuss business issues with colleagues from diverse backgrounds.

Classrooms/PCS Centre

The PCS Centre comprises 6 seminar classrooms and a 175-seat theatre with state-of-the-art multi-media and electronics equipment. In addition, the Commerce Building offers 8 classrooms, 3 computer labs and a reading room.

The PCS Centre is designed to support case study methodology and allows for more effective teaching of students with the use of multimedia and electronically-aided instructional equipment. It is also wired to support further technological improvements as resources become available. For example: the wiring and conduits necessary to provide every seat with Internet access are in place.

Study Facilities

MBA students have sole access to computers and a printer within the Graduate Carrel room. They also have access to three computer labs (equipped with scanners and web cams), the Rawlco Resource Centre, and seven boardrooms. All of the college's computer hardware is replaced every three years with the most advanced computer equipment available.

For each term you are enrolled in the MBA program, you will be provided with a laptop computer for your dedicated use. The Graduate Carrel room and meeting rooms are wireless zones.

Technology in the Classrooms

MBA classes are taken in the PCS Centre, which provides state-of-the-art seminar classrooms and technology. Each classroom contains a computer, VCR, multimedia projector, overhead projector, cordless mouse and laptop dock connecting laptop to projector. Wireless network access to allow laptop use in each classroom will be available for September 2004. The department is staffed with professionals who can assist with all technology-related questions and concerns.

About the City of Saskatoon

The first time visitor to Saskatoon is often surprised by the city's friendliness, vibrancy and beauty. The tree-lined parks along the banks of the South Saskatchewan River, shopping malls, attractive residential areas and a cosmopolitan array of recreation and entertainment reflect the emergence of Saskatoon as the province's largest city, with a population of approximately 200, 000.

One of the sunniest cities in Canada, Saskatoon shines in many ways, and newcomers find it easy to share the warmth as well as the bright future of those who call Saskatoon their home. Comparatively low living costs, especially for housing, coupled with many amenities available to all residents, make graduate work at the U of S even more attractive.



Master of Business Administration Program
College of Commerce
University of Saskatchewan
25 Campus Drive
Saskatoon, SK S7N 5A7

Phone: (306)966-8678

Fax: (306)966-2515



Canada Education



Master of Business Administration Program
College of Commerce
University of Saskatchewan
25 Campus Drive
Saskatoon, SK S7N 5A7

Phone: (306)966-8678

Fax: (306)966-2515




Admission Information

Canada Education


Canada Education