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China Student Visas

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 Foreign students' Enrollment in China's Colleges and Universities
Foreign students generally should take private passports, "X" or "F" visas with them to register for study at higher education institutions. For those who plan to study in China for more than 6 months, they can apply for "X" visas from Chinese embassies or consulates abroad and other resident agencies, by bringing the Visa Application Form for Aliens to Study in China (form JW201 or JW202), the Admission Notice from the institutions and the Physical Examination Record of Aliens. For those who intend to study in China for less than 6 months, they can apply for "F" visas by bringing the Visa Application Form for Aliens to Study in China (form JW201 or JW202) and Admission Notice from the institutions. Those coming to China in groups for short-term study can apply for "F" group visas with the Invitation Letters or Telegrams from the authorized institutions.
To study or have refresher courses at Chinese higher education institutions, aliens who hold foreign diplomatic passports, business passports, official passports or special passports, or come to China on Chinese diplomatic visa, business visa or courteous reception visas, shall deliver a note from diplomatic agencies of his/her own country declaring giving-up of privilege and immunity while study in China to China's provincial-level foreign affair department for approval, and then go to the entry-exit department of the public security bureaus to exchange for "X" or "F" visas with the approval of the foreign affairs department. Aliens, who hold foreign diplomatic passport, business passport, official passport or special passport and come to China with exemption of visas in accordance with bilateral agreements, shall switch to private passport and apply for "X" or "F" visas from the entry-exit department of the public security bureaus. Aliens who come to China with non-"X" or "F" visas on their private passport shall exchange for "X" or "F" visas at entry-exit department of the public security bureaus if they intend to study or have refresher courses at Chinese higher education institutions.
Foreign affair department and entry-exit department of the public security bureaus shall check the Visa Application Form for Aliens to Study in China (form JW201 or JW202), Admission Notice from the institutions and the Physical Examination Record of Aliens when dealing with the applications of the above-said personnel.
Family members of the foreign students studying in China can apply for companion-study "L' visas from Chinese embassies and consulates abroad with the Invitation Letter of the schools. Upon arrival of the official letter from the school receiving the foreign student, the entry-exit department of the public security bureaus shall conduct the visa postponement for the companion-study family member of the foreign students. The term of the companion-study family member's stay in China can not surpass the validity period of the foreign student's residence certificate.
Foreign students who arrive China for study of more than 6 months shall go to the local hygiene and quarantine office for the confirmation of the Physical Examination Record of Aliens within the required period. Those failing to provide the Physical Examination Record of Aliens shall have physical checkup at the local hygiene and quarantine offices. Those who were confirmed to carry entry-forbidden diseases by Chinese laws shall leave China for home immediately.
Foreign students holding "X" visas to come to China must apply for Residence Certificate at the entry-exit department of the local public security bureaus within 30 days upon entering the Chinese territory. During the study period, any changes to the items at Residence Certificate must undergo modification procedure at the entry-exit department of the local public security bureaus within ten days.
Foreign students, when transferring to another city for study, must first go to the entry-exit department of the local public security bureau to apply for a move-out formality. Upon arrival at the target city, they must go to the entry-exit department of the local public security bureau to go through a move-in formality within ten days.
Foreign students, when undergoing a temporary exit during school time, must apply for a re-entry formality before exit. For those who intend for further study or stay in China after their visas or residence certificates expire, they must apply for postponement formality before their visas or residence certificates expire.
Foreign students must exit within the scheduled time after they graduate from school, wind up their studies, graduate without a diploma, or quit school. When foreign students were ordered to quit school or dismissed of student status from the school roll, the higher education institutions should inform the entry-exit department of the local public security bureau in time. The entry-exit department of the local public security bureau will take over their Residence Certificate for Aliens or curtail their stay period in China in accordance with the law.




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