Xi'an Hi-Tech International School The Xi an Hi-Tech International School was conceived as an
integral part of the Xi an New Hi-Tech International Development Zone,
one of the three largest development projects of this kind in China. In
order to make locating in the HTDZ attractive and feasible for foreign companies, the Administrative Committee
realized that it would be necessary to have a world class international school for the children of the foreign employees of these
companies. And so, with an initial investment of over 8 million RMB, the Xi an Hi-Tech International School was built. Whereas
in the first year the faculty never numbered more than five teachers, the 2004-2005 school year began with nine excellently
qualified and talented teachers who were joined by four more teachers at the start of the second semester. Enrollment the first year
never exceeded eighteen students; not surprising given the number of
expatriates living in Xi an and the role the school is expected to play
in attracting foreigners. By the start of our second semester of our second year, enrollment had grown to 37. We
currently have 56 students and are growing rapidly.
During winter 2007 we came under management of EtonHouse International
Schools as additional evidence of our upward evolution.
CURRICULUM North American. We are currently in pursuit of
International Baccalaureate accreditation.
STAFF We have 15 teachers from five different
FACILITIES The school has exceptional facilities
including 28 large, light-filled classrooms, the largest English
library in Shaanxi Province, science, 2 computer labs, music rooms,
art rooms, very large indoor gym, outdoor track/soccer field, 800
seat auditorium, 2 lecture halls, cafeteria and more. Our facilities
are second to none.
SCHOOL YEAR AND SCHOOL DAY The XJIS school calendar for 2006-2007 is
available here:
http: //www.jahooed.com/joomla/index.php?option=com_events&task=view_month&Itemid=0&month=08&year=2006
EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHY Our mission statement... To provide the highest quality
internationally recognized education for the children of foreign
nationals living in Xi'an and to become a recognized centre of educational reform and renewal in China * We believe That every human being is unique yet has the same
innate capacity for curiosity, wonder and appreciation of life and
all other aspects of existence; * That there is a longing in each of us to see the world as good,
beautiful and truthful; * That every individual has within him/herself the power to develop
meaning and purpose in his/her life; * That each of us contains the seeds of greatness in some area of
human endeavor; * That there are many ways of learning and knowing and that every
one of them is equally valid; * That intelligence is modifiable, that intelligence can be taught; * That under the guidance of sensitive, caring, skilled, respectful,
nurturing, knowledgeable, impassioned, inspiring, inspired and
appropriately challenging mentors/teachers, these seeds of greatness
can begin to sprout and eventually be brought to flower; * That we, ourselves, are sensitive, caring, skilled, respectful,
nurturing, knowledgeable, impassioned, inspiring, inspired and
appropriately challenging teachers who are able to guide the
students before us on the path to greatness; and
* That everything we believe about the potential of
human beings in general applies specifically to each one of the
students entrusted to us.
For education to truly prepare a young person for life it must attend to
all of the present needs of the developing individual, the intellectual,
emotional, volitional and transcendental needs, and provide the
necessary knowledge and skills for full and successful participation in
the economic, social/cultural and political activities of adulthood.
School Summary: Founded 2003 60 students, aged 4-18 British Columbia, Canada Curriculum 15 staff
Address: Xi'an Hi Tech International School New Industrial Park of Xi'an Hi-Tech Development Zone Xi'an, Shaanxi, China 710119 kevinblissett@etonhouse-xian.com
http: //xian.jahooed.com