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Study Law in Dubai

College of Law Al Falah University Dubai

The Science of Law is a social science specializing in studying human actions, reactions and overall behavior of individuals and groups. The Faculty of Law seeks to educate citizens their rights and responsibilities through providing local communities with qualified graduates capable of upgrading Law-related professions, so that they constitute an added value to their communities and to the organizations they work for.

The Faculty of law taking into consideration the condition of the working society members, who desire to study at the faculty, offers a unified studying program, fulfilled the goals of AFU.

The university offers a four-year program in Law. The main language of instructing courses will be Arabic language. It also provides computer skills that are essential to introduce students to the technological revolution that continually produces fresh information, and help them monitor such breakthroughs on the internet and universities worldwide. The degree is awarded upon successful completion of the Law courses comprising of 135 credit hours, normally completed in four academic years (8 semesters).

Al Falah University is located in the heart of the Emirate of Dubai, and is determined to become one of the nation's leading institutions of higher education. Our University offers a teaching and learning environment generated by a distinguished academic cadre, supported by best practice educational and communications technology, as well as library resources. In this exemplary educational environment, students will be motivated to understand disciplinary concepts, tools and data that will prepare them for more advanced education, or for satisfying and productive careers which contribute to further national and regional development.

Our University's current academic programs in the College of Business Administration, the College of Law, and the College of Mass Communication have been selected based on established demand from students, the availability of exceptional faculty members with the ability to link theory with practice in their research-led teaching, and the needs of the nation's public and private sectors for graduates in these disciplines.

Students who are enrolled and registered in our University will also be engaged in inter-disciplinary learning, and will learn to practice critical thinking skills, based on independent learning outside of their classes as well as classroom discussion, while as well as research and knowledge application. Our students will benefit from programs of national, regional and international collaboration intended to enrich their education.

Al Falah University will seek to develop further educational opportunities for students in additional Colleges, in due course, based upon our five-year strategic plan, driven, in part, by continuing market research that provides information concerning evolving higher education needs.

AFU Vision

AFU’s vision is to distinguish itself as one of the premier universities in both the UAE and the GCC through academic research, educational excellence, experiential learning, pursuit for knowledge and constant intellectual exploration.

For all stakeholders alike, AFU aims to sustain an innovative educational environment that adds value through student experiences in logical reasoning, critical thinking, applied skills and creativity. AFU adheres to the international standards and can be recognized for the significant progress while preserving local cultural and ethical values of the UAE and GCC. AFU aims to achieve local and international recognition for academic programs, research and community services.

AFU Mission

AFU is committed to providing comprehensive, multi-disciplinary education that engages their students in free thinking, cross-disciplinary course work, research and applied learning so as to become the future leaders in the UAE and GCC region.

AFU’s Mission and Vision statements are approved by the Governing Body (Board Trustees) prior to declaration. They will be reviewed and re-evaluated periodically to ensure their adherence and usefulness in providing overall strategic direction to AFU.


College of Law

Al Falah University

P.O.Box: 128821

Dubai, UAE



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College of Law

Al Falah University

P.O.Box: 128821

Dubai, UAE