Bavarian International SchoolSchloss Haimhausen, Hauptstrasse 1, 85778, Haimhausen, Germany Tel: (+49) 8133 917111 Fax: (+49) 8133 9171115 Email: Web site: ADMINISTRATION: Principal - Martin Van Rijswijk Business Director - Marco Dahl FACULTY: Full time: 16 men, 52 women Part time: 1 men, 6 women Nationalities: 20 CURRICULUM AND EXAMS: Curriculum: International, MYP, PYP, IB Exams: IGCSE, IB ENROLMENT: Age Range: 4-18 Total Enrolment: 946 Nationalities: 45 478 boys, 468 girls Primary School: 476 Secondary School: 470 FEES: Day only: € 11200-€ 15150 Other Fees: Entrance fee € 4, 000 (1st yr); Entrance Fee € 3, 000 (2nd yr); Entrance Fee € 3, 000 (3rd yr) Learning Support Programme The Bavarian International School, founded in 1991, is a co-educational day school serving the international community in the north Munich area. The school is a non-profit association committed to providing an international programme that meets the needs of students from 43 nations. The academic programme in the Primary School is that of the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme. It serves the needs of over 450 students in pre-reception (aged 4) to grade 5. German, music and physical education are taught by specialist staff. An English as an Additional Language programme supports students for whom English is not the mother tongue. The programme is further supplemented by educational trips and excursions, an Elective Programme that occurs during the school day on Thursdays and by a Co-curricular Programme which takes place after school. An active Student Council encourages student involvement and supports a variety of student-run community service activities. The Secondary School is comprised of two programmes: the IBMYP (grades 6-10) and the IB Diploma Programme (grades 11 and 12). IGCSE courses are available in grades 9 and 10 until June 2013. All secondary students are involved in community service programmes and in a wide range of sporting, cultural and athletic activities and services. Almost all Grade 12 students move on into tertiary educational institutions throughout the world. The school is authorized by the IB to offer the PYP, the IBMYP and the IB Diploma. Classes meet daily Monday to Friday during three trimesters. The school year runs from late August to late June. All teachers have full teaching qualifications and are experienced in their particular fields. The teachers are a culturally diverse group, currently representing 21 nationalities. The school is recognized and supported by the Bavarian government. The school is located 20 km to the north of Munich and occupies both new purpose-built buildings and a renovated 18th century castle with extensive parklands and recreational areas. A modern sports hall offers good sporting opportunities for the students and the community. The school operates a bus service for students from Munich as well as the surrounding municipalities. Admission is based on the ability to profit from the school's programme. Previous school records and personal interviews with students and parents are used to ensure optimal placement. Counselling and learning support staff are available to support students with school adjustment needs. |