Department of Marine SciencesUNIVERSITY OF THE AEGEAN GreeceThe Department of Marine Sciences was established in 1997 in the city of Mytilini as part of the School of Environmental Sciences. The objective of the undergraduate program is to educate students in the marine environment and enable them to understand physical, chemical, biological and geological processes, fisheries, aquaculture and marine technology. In addition, emphasis is placed on man made effects on the marine environment especially on the coastal zone. The students also attend courses in fisheries economics and economics of the coastal zone as well as on certain aspects of legislation related to the marine environment.
The Department of Marine Sciences has established a number of educational practices aiming at the improvement of the quality of studies.
Administrative Scheme According to the legislation concerning Greek Universities the Departments are self-governed by the Departmental Board and the Chairman. The Departmental Board is composed of the Academic Staff of the Department, members of Academic Staff from other Greek Universities, representatives of students and representatives of the technical staff of the Department. The Board of the Dept. of Marine Sciences is as follows: Chairman: Professor Michael Karydis Vice Chairman: Professor Nikolaos Vlachos (Dept. of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Univ. of Thessaly) Members: Professor Sotirios Varnavas (Dept. of Geology, Univ. of Patras) Professor Michael Aggelidis (Dept. of Environmental Studies, Univ. of the Aegean) Professor Paul Kanaroglou (Dept. of Geography, Univ. of the Aegean) Associate Professor: Artemis Nikolaidou (Dept. of Biology, Univ. of Athens) Assistant Professor George Tsirtsis Assistant Professor Drosos Koutsoumbas Lecturer Maria Karadaneli and Two representatives of the students Address: Department of Marine Sciences UNIVERSITY OF THE AEGEAN
Greece University Hill 811 00 Mytilene Lesvos GREECE Tel.: +30 22510 36800 FAX: +30 22510 36809 Ε-mail: Website:
| | Address: Department of Marine Sciences UNIVERSITY OF THE AEGEAN
Greece University Hill 811 00 Mytilene Lesvos GREECE Tel.: +30 22510 36800 FAX: +30 22510 36809 Ε-mail: Website: