International Community SchoolPO Box 2002, Amman 11181, Jordan Tel: (+962) 6 479 0066 Fax: (+962) 6 572 5416 Email: jo Web site: jo ADMINISTRATION: Principal - John Bastable Administrator - Kameel Saliba Finance/Business Manager - Loura Nazzal Board Chair - Pascal Hoyez FACULTY: Full time: 14 men, 58 women Part time: 0 men, 14 women Nationalities: 10 CURRICULUM AND EXAMS: Curriculum: Exams: GCE 'A', GCSE, IGCSE, ENROLMENT: Age Range: - Total Enrolment: 537 Nationalities: 55 292 boys, 245 girls FEES: Day only: JDnr 3960-JDnr 11787 Other Fees: Registration: Nursery JD 750; Registration: Yr 13 JD 1, 500 Learning Support Programme ICS makes its programme accessible to children of all nationalities, celebrating each child's cultural identity whilst fostering a recognition and appreciation of differing cultural traditions and values. ICS was registered as a non-for-profit organization in Amman over fifty years ago. The School Managing Committee (SMC) overseas the management of the school and is made up of elected parents and the Principal. The school has recently moved to a new, purpose-built building, situated in the countryside outside Amman. The ICS has built up a fine reputation providing quality education to international children and Jordanian families seeking a British-style education in a multicultural environment. There are currently 55 student nationalities in the school. The curriculum is similar to that of the National Curriculum of England and Wales, and is taught by internationally minded teachers drawn mainly from Great Britain and Jordan. Students work towards IGCSE/ GCSE, S and A level examinations. The school community consists of international and local parents supported by many embassies, local, national and international companies and agencies. ICS aims to provide excellent educational experiences to the students enabling them to achieve their potential in all areas of the curriculum. ICS is well respected in Amman for supporting inclusive education and high quality SEN support for a significantly large number of students. ICS has approximately 535 students from Nursery to Year 13. There is a high level of discipline throughout the school which is achieved through clear policy and good teaching. All sections of staff receive regular in-house staff development opportunities and senior staff are currently engaged in accreditation training with the BSME. There is an effective appraisal system in place and staff meets regularly to focus on the quality of teaching and learning. Data is gathered across the key stages and used to improve student achievement. Parents are invited to assemblies, open days, community activities and concerts and to review their child's progress through teacher-parent meetings. There is strong parental involvement in the school and a very active PSA supports the students. |