Islamic Educational CollegePO Box 385, Amman 11118, Jordan Tel: (+962) 4651 408/403 Fax: (+962) 4651 456 Email: jo Web site: jo ADMINISTRATION: Board Chair - Omar Bdeir Islamic Cultural Society Manager - Dana Abu-Goura Deputy Director General - Jumana Abu Hejleh Foreign Program Director - Husson Bsisso Director General - Ghaleb Mumen FACULTY: Full time: 355 men, 433 women Part time: 3 men, women Nationalities: 4 CURRICULUM AND EXAMS: Curriculum: National, US, UK, International, Exams: GCE 'A', GCSE, IGCSE, ENROLMENT: Age Range: 4-18 Total Enrolment: 4628 Nationalities: 22 2725 boys, 1903 girls Kindergarten: 318 Elementary: 1090 High School: 2716 American Section: 195 British Section: 309 FEES: Day only: JDnr 1350-JDnr 4000 Other Fees: Registration: JD 200; Transport: JD 370-600 Under the umbrella of the Islamic Cultural Society which was established in 1944 the school of the Islamic Educational College was founded in 1947 with only 155 students with the following objectives: a. Reinforcing students’ beliefs in God and Islam through dialogue, proper instruction, and logical thinking. b. Providing for students up to date science and technology. c. Providing for students needed extra curricular activities like sports, social gatherings, lectures, seminars, workshop, etc. d. Helping students develop their personalities, self respect, and respect for others through proper guidance. It was an honor for the schools to have some of the Royal family members among its students, in addition to many distinguished figures. Years pass, and the schools were developed wisely and gradually. The College provides three levels of education, namely: Kindergarten, Basic, and Secondary education. Its curricula include the National program, as developed by the Ministry of Education and the GCE/IGCSE as developed by Cambridge University in addition that its an accredited school by Advance-ed. Mission: The Schools of the Islamic Educational College aim at preparing a generation of youths by providing them with Islamic education and useful sciences so that they can have strong belief, true faith and good manners. Moreover, the Schools of the Islamic Educational College bring up physically fit youth of forceful personality who are enlightened by Islam, knowledgeable, of good use to their society and proud of their religion, Arabic language, national history and civilization. The kind of youth who confront life wisely, seriously, actively and responsibly. Vision: The Islamic Educational College is to be the pioneer in terms of its technical, educational and administrative structure. In addition, the schools financial and technological potentiality is to meet the needs of the students and their parents. Besides, to instill in the students the powerful and growing force that can overcome differences between people and nations. |