The Alice Smith School (Primary) in
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
The Alice Smith
School Primary Campus caters for children from Pre-School to Year 6 (3 – 11
years old) and the school follows the English National Curriculum and offer a
wide range of co-curricular activities.
The Primary Campus is overseen by the Principal and 3
Assistant Principals. Each Assistant Principal has
responsibilities for specific curriculum and guidance
areas of the school as well as for cross school areas.
The Alice Smith School has one Pre-School class of 24
children, five parallel Reception classes and five
parallel classes per year group from Year 1 – Year 6,
all of which have a maximum number of 22 children.
Specialist staff develop the children’s skills in ICT,
Music, Physical Education and Modern Foreign Languages
as well as offering support and extension where
Alice Smith School (Primary) National Curriculum
The English National Curriculum monitors and guides
the students’ progress through five very important
stages of development:
- Foundation Stage – Pre-School and Reception
- Key Stage 1 – Years 1 and 2
- Key Stage 2 – Years 3 – 6
- Key Stage 3 – Years 7 – 9
- Key Stage 4 – Years 10 and 11
Alice Smith School (Primary) Foundation Stage
Young children enter school with a wide range of
different experiences. The aim of the Foundation Stage
at Alice Smith School is to provide a well planned and
resourced curriculum which takes each child’s learning
The learning for young children should be a rewarding
and enjoyable experience in which they explore,
investigate, discover, create, practice and consolidate
their developing knowledge, skills, understanding and
attitudes. During the Foundation Stage at Alice Smith
School, many of these aspects of learning are brought
together effectively through carefully planned and
structured activities that are fun, relevant and
motivating for each child. The children’s learning takes
place in a stimulating and interesting environment,
using both indoor and outdoor areas.
Alice Smith School (Primary) Key Stage 1
Each of the Key Stage One classes has a teacher and a
teacher’s assistant as well as support from specialist
teachers for P.E., Swimming, Music, and Bahasa Melayu
(at Year Two). Key to success lies in commitment and
enjoyment and the school endeavor to foster a good work
ethic and provide a stimulating and interesting
environment in order to develop a love of learning and
thorough understanding. Pupils are encouraged to respect
others but at the same time value their own
contributions and know that they are recognized as
Alice Smith School (Primary) Key Stage 2
Key Stage 2 covers the age range from 7 years through
to 11 years. It is the longest of all the Key Stages and
often sees significant academic and social development
of the child. Between these ages, the child develops
greater independence, greater self-confidence and a
greater awareness of the wider world. It is our aim to
develop these facets of life and help encourage the
child to develop self and community awareness. Each year
group is self-contained in classrooms where children are
mainly taught by their class teachers. Each year group
also has the help of teachers’ assistants. Specialist
teachers take classes for Music, PE, Swimming and a
Modern Foreign Language. French is introduced at the
beginning of Key Stage 2 as an option to Bahasa Melayu.
It is expected that the children will continue with
their chosen language throughout the Key Stage.
Malaysian citizens are required to study Bahasa in line
with the Ministry of Education requirements.
Alice Smith School (Primary) Contact Details
The Alice Smith School (Primary) No: 2 Jalan
Bellamy 50460 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: +6(03)2148 3674 Fax: +6(03)2148 3418