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International Islamic University Faculty of Medicine Malaysia


ISTAC, IIUM is a research and postgraduate institution offering degrees in Islamic thought, Islamic civilization and Islamic science at the master's and doctoral levels. Set amidst a wooded and serene residential area in Kuala Lumpur, its present campus consists of a main administration and academic building, a library, a mosque and a conference hall. Its buildings are a strikingly picturesque synthesis of Islamic, Western and Malay architectural styles.


The academic program at ISTAC emphasizes the study of all aspects of Islamic thought and civilization, the major world religions and the study of the present day modern, secular world

The international character of the academic staff as well as the student population reflects the institution's philosophy. The graduate program is intellectually, spiritually and humanly- linked to the sources of Islamic revelation and to fourteen centuries of Islamic scholarship. It seeks to preserve traditional elements of Muslim education with its intimate master-disciple relation.

The teachers and their students come from various academic backgrounds: law, theology, philosophy, political science, library science, psychology, medicine, biology, dentistry, architecture, economics, history, education, business management, literature, engineering and Islamic studies. While the medium of instruction at ISTAC is English, proficiency in the Arabic language is compulsory for all degree-seeking students

ISTAC's graduate programme emphasizes three specific areas which are not rigidly  compartmentalized. These are Islamic Thought, consisting of the major fields of theology ("ilm al-kalam), philosophy (falsafah-hikmah), and metaphysics (tasawwuf-"irfan); Islamic Science, its philosophy, methodology, and history; and finally, Islamic Civilization, which encompasses a wide field of study including that of culture, history, and the human and social sciences. At this initial stage courses in the fields of culture, history, politics, economics, law, psychology and education will be offered including that of major Islamic languages. Apart from Arabic, which is compulsory, ISTAC also teaches Persian, Greek, and Latin.


The Religion of Islam

The History and Methodology of the Qura'anic Sciences

The History and Methodology of the Sciences of Hadith

Formal Logic (al-mantiq al-suri)


Theology, Philosophy, Sufism

Primary Sources of Islamic Thought

A Survey of Islamic Thought

Topics in Islamic Thought

Early Islamic Theology

Later Islamic Theology

Islamic Theological Schools and Sects (al-firaq)

Readings in Islamic Theology

Early Islamic Philosophy

Later Islamic Philosophy

Readings in Islamic Philosophy

Early Sufism

Later Sufism

Major Schools of Sufism

Readings in Sufi Literature

Readings in Malay Metaphysical Literature

Islamization of Contemporary Knowledge

Major Muslim Thinkers

History of Greek Thought and the Rise of Scholasticism

History of Medieval and Early Modern Western Thought

History of Modern Western Thought

Contemporary Western Thought



Analytic Philosophy: Introducing Language, Mind and Knowledge


Philosophy, Methodology, History
The Qur'anic Foundation

History of Science

History of Islamic Science 1, 11, 111

The Islamic Philosophy of Science

Philosophy and Methodology of the Islamic Sciences

Readings in Islamic Science

Logic and Methodology

Philosophy and Methodology of Islamic Mathematical and Physical Science

Philosophy and Methodology of Islamic Medical and Allied Health Sciences

Islamic Medicine and Allied Life Sciences and Disciplines from the Phophetic Age to al-Biruni (1-443/622-1051)

History of Islamic Medicine

Islamic Medicine and Leading Practitioners and Sages during the Ayyubids and Mamluk Period

Islamic Medicine, Pharmacy and Materia Medica in Andalus (8th century to 1492 C.E.)

Practical Codes and Deontology in the Healing Arts

On Remedial Agents, Drugs and Pharmaceutical Recipes

Bibliographers and Lexicons-Catalogues on the History of Medicine and Pharmacy

Muslim Influence on Scholarship and Learning in Medieval Europe
The Philosophy of Modern Western Science and Technology

Philosophy and Methodology of Life Sciences

The Theory of Evolution

Culture, History, Human and Social Sciences

The Roots of Islamic Culture

A Survey of Islamic Sources

Muslim Historiography

Studies in Historical Sources

Islamic Theories and Philosophies of History

Islamic History 1 and 11

Intellectual History of India

Islam in Malay History and Culture

A History of Western Civilization

Principles and Methods of Islamic Education

Special Issues in Islamic Education

Philosophy of Western Education1, 11 and 111

Islamic Moral Philosophy: Religious Ethics
Islamic Moral Philosophy: Philosophical Ethics

Topics in Islamic Practical Philosophy

Contributions of Early Muslims Thinkers to Philosophy

Islamic Counseling and Psychotherapy

The History, Philosophy and Methodology of Western Psychology1 and 11

Topics in Contemporary Psychology

History of Islamic Jurisprudence

Legal Methodology in Islamic Jurisprudence

Philosophy of Islamic Law

Islamic Constitutional Law

Islamic Family Law

The Islamic Judicial System

Readings in Islamic Legal Texts

History of Islamic Administration 1 and 11

Topics in Islamic Political Institutions

Modern European Political Thought

Middle Eastern Politics 1 and 11: Contemporary Islamic Revival

Institutions in Islamic Civilization

Sufi Social Institutions

Survey of Islamic Economics

History of Islamic Economic Thought 1 and 2

Readings in Islamic Economic Thought

Selected Topics in Islamic Economics

Selected Topics in Socio-Economic History of Muslim in the 20th Century

History of Islamic Economic Institutions

Comparative History of Business and Finance

The Islamic Financial Institution: A Comparative Approach to Development in the Muslim World

Socio-Economic Development in the Muslim World

Socio-Economic Development in Southeast Asia

Poverty Alleviation in the World of Islam

The Islamic Philosophy of Art

History of Islamic Art 1 and 11

Islamic Art

Musical Theory and the Philosophy of Music

Pre-Islamic Poetry

History of Islamic Arabic Literature

History of Islamic Persian Literature

Islamic Arabic Literature

History of Turkish Literature

Topics in Muslim Literature in Translation


Elementary Arabic 1, II, 111

Intermediate Arabic I, 11, 111

High Intermediate Arabic I, II, III

Advanced Arabic 1, 11

Readings in Advanced Arabic Texts

Elementary Persian 1, 11

Intermediate Persian 1, II

Elementary Turkish

Greek 1, 11, 111, 1V

Latin 1, 11, 111

German for Reading 1, 11, 111

Advanced Writing (English)

Thesis Writing (English)



Professor Dr. Malik Badri

M.A. (Beirut), Ph.D. (Leicester)



Assoc. Professor Dr. Mohamed Ajmal Abdul Razak Al-Aidrus

M.A. (Indiana), Ph.D. (Ball State)

(American Literature; World Literature; Existential and Archetypal Criticisms)


Dr Che Amnah Bahari

 M.A. (IIUM)  Ph.D. (ISTAC)



Professor Dr. Cemil Akdogan

M.Sc., Ph.D. (Madison)

(History of Science)

Professor Dr. Ahmad Kazemi Moussavi

M.A., Ph.D. (McGill)

(Islamic Law)

Professor Dr. Hassan El-Nagar

M.A. (Columbus), Ph.D. (Madison)

(Comparative Literature and Arabic Literature)

Professor Dr. Paul Lettinck

M.A., Ph.D. (Amsterdam)

(History of Islamic Science and Philosophy; Greek; Latin)

Professor Dr. Amer Al-Roubaie

M.A. (New Brunswick), Ph.D. (McGill)


Professor Dr. Ala' Eddin Kharofa

B.A., M.A., Ph.D. (al-Azhar), LL.B. (Baghdad),

(Shariah, Comparative Law; Common Law)

Professor Dr. Muddathir Abdel Rahim

B.A. (London), B.A. Hons. (Nottingham), Ph.D. (Manchester)

(Economics and Social Studies (Political Science))

Professor Dr. Abdul Karim Crow

M.A., Ph.D. (McGill)

(Islamic Studies)

Professor Dr Amir H. Zekrgoo

M.F.A. (Kansas), M.F.A. (Delhi), Ph.D. (Delhi)

(Islamic Science)

Professor Dr Sabri Orman

Ph.D. (Istanbul)


Associate Professors

Assoc. Professor Dr. Baharuddin Ahmad

M.A., Ph.D. (Temple)

(Comparative Religion; Malay Literature)

Assoc. Professor Dr. Muhammad Ismail Marcinkowski

M.A. (Berlin), Ph.D. (ISTAC)

(Islamic History)

Distinguished Visiting Scholar

(Dr) Uthman El-Muhammady

M.A. (UM), Doctor of Letters (D. Lett) (honorary degree) (USM)


The multilingual library of ISTAC is known to reputable scholars in the world as one of the largest and most authoritative on Islamic studies, comparative thought and civilization. It is unquestionably the best of its kind in the Southeast Asian region and consists of a special collection containing many rare manuscripts and books meant for scholars.


ISTAC has published close to 50 works in diverse areas of academic research, such as religion, psychology, Islamic science, law, philosophy, theology, history, and education, including translations of historically important manuscripts. It also publishes a scholarly bi-annual journal, Al-Shajarah.  ISTAC's books are published in English, Arabic, Persian, and Malay.

International Islamic University

Jalan Gombak
53100 Kuala Lumpur
Tel. (603)20564447
Fax (603)20564853

E Mail




International Islamic University
Jalan Gombak
53100 Kuala Lumpur
Tel. (603)20564447
Fax (603)20564853
E Mail