Brookstone School1 Brookstone Close Off Prof. Abowei Road, GRA 3, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria Tel: (+234) 7034 022088 Fax: (+234) Email: Web site: ADMINISTRATION: Coordinator of Schools - Philip Fryer Head of Primary - Ofori Mills Deputy Head/Head of Administration - Adekunle Adesanya accountant - Nelson Okuru Board member - Betty Apiafi FACULTY: Full time: 30 men, 41 women Part time: 3 men, 1 women Nationalities: 4 CURRICULUM AND EXAMS: Curriculum: National, UK, Exams: IGCSE, SAT, ENROLMENT: Age Range: 2-17 Total Enrolment: 814 Nationalities: 4 Day: 164 boys, 189 girls Boarding: 244 boys, 217 girls FEES: Day only: £ 640-£ 1040 Boarding: £ 1680-£ Brookstone School is a co-educational primary and secondary school for children aged two to seventeen years. The secondary school is co-educational and fully boarding. Situated in a purpose-built complex Brookstone School opened in 2003. The main block comprises air-conditioned class rooms with a maximum class size of 20 pupils, a library, a science laboratory, an ICT laboratory, music studio, an art room and a language room. The school also has an ultra-modern multi-purpose assembly hall. French is taught in all classes. The administrative block houses the reception area and offices. There is a playing field and a fully equipped playground. The school is centrally located in a quiet setting. The school curriculum is based upon the English National Curriculum and it is adapted to include appropriate elements of topics relating to Nigeria and the continent of Africa. The school curriculum is based upon the English National Curriculum and is adapted to include appropriate elements of topics relating to Nigeria and the continent of Africa, leading to both UK and West African Examination entry. Brookstone School is dedicated to helping each child develop his/her potential. There are extra-curricular activities including a science club, football club, drama/poetry club, French club, choreography, art club, computing Jets Club, ICT Club, Creative Writing/Reading Club, Mathematics Club and several other Clubs as well as a variety of sporting and outdoor activities. The school also recognizes that parental involvement is a key to pupils’ success via a programme of both formal and informal meetings between parents and teachers. The school has an active PTA. Admission is open to children of all nationalities. |