International Community School, AbujaThe International Community School opened in September 1998. It is international in curriculum student body and staff and was founded to serve the international and Nigerian community in Abuja. The curriculum is an adapted American curriculum designed to prepare students for secondary schools abroad or in Nigeria. All basic curriculum materials are sourced from the US. Nigerian mathematics and social studies also feature in the curriculum in order to prepare students for common entrance exams (if desired) and to provide an appreciation for Nigerian culture. Computer, music and French classes are also offered. Several after-school clubs are also available for students. The founders of ICS believe that its role is to provide students with an opportunity for a quality education that will adequately prepare them for further studies abroad or in progressive Nigerian secondary schools; provide children opportunities to learn and develop to their optimum potential intellectually, culturally, morally, physically, socially and creatively; work as a team with staff, parents, and students in open communication in order to achieve the school's aims; promote the self-worth of each student; and develop a sense of community among students, parents, and faculty. ICS has an international staff of qualified teachers. The Principal in charge of the daily affairs of the school, while the Board of Directors is responsible for policy making and managerial decisions. The school has an active PTA which gives parents opportunity to support and assist the school. ICS presently has 13 classrooms, three administrative offices, library, a computer lab, science lab, staff room, a music hall, and a large playing field/playground area which includes a soccer field, volleyball/badminton and tennis/basketball courts and track. The school is centrally located in a quiet setting. Admission is open to students of all nationalities and religions. At present 40% of the student body are Nigerian and the remaining 60% of students come from 30 different countries. The maximum class size is 24 students. Placement in Play Group to kindergarten is on the basis of age, while new students entering grades 1 to 9 are tested to determine their appropriate grade level. The school year has three terms of 12 weeks each. The school calendar normally runs from early September to mid-June with three weeks off in December/January, and ten days off in the third term. |