LAGOS PREPARATORY SCHOOL IKOYIAddress: 11a Bayo Kuku Street, Ikoyi, Lagos, NIGERIA. Tel: 01 4615586, 01- 2695714 www.LAGOSPREPIKOYI. ORG, School Summary: Founded May 2002 students, aged 3 - 11 International school, English National curriculum, some emphasis on Nigerian social studies, Highly qualified expatriate and Nigerian staff fees: £1890-£4095/yr Lagos Preparatory School, Ikoyi was established in Ikoyi, Lagos in May 2002 by Nigerian and Expatriate parents to fill a gap in High quality Nursery and Primary education and therefore to serve the needs of children in the local and expatriate communities in the area. The Motto of the school is "Non Sibi Sed Omnibus"Latin for 'NOT FOR ONE BUT FOR ALL'. THE MOTTO RECOGNISES THE SELFLESS MOTIVATION WITH WHICH A DIVERSE GROUP OF PEOPLE CAME TOGETHER IN ORDER TO BUILD AN OUTSTANDING AND UNIQUE EDUCATIONAL ESTABLISHMENT. The school provides day facilities for boys and girls aged 3 to 11 years and pupils are taught to the requirements of the English National Curriculum, with some extra curricular emphasis on Nogerian social studies and Languages The school provides a carefully planned and structured teaching programme that takes full account of the requirements of the National Curriculum of England. Children are assessed at an early stage in order to place them in appropraite teaching groups and to provide a baseline for the measurement of their subsequent progress. The curriculum is implemented through the Foundation stage (ages 3-5)and in four key stages. At this school, we teach children at the Foundation stage, key stage 1(Years 1&2) and Key stage 2( Years 3-6). The core subjects of English, Maths and Science are taught, and Foundation subjects Geography, History, Music, I. CT, P. E, Art and Design, Design and Technology. French is also taught from the age of Five. We also provide a wide range of extra curricular activities, Art, Ballet, Brownies, Chess, Computing, Drama, Choir, Karate, Music, Swimming, Table tennis and Football. The performance of children is carefully monitored and targets for improvement are set regularly. Par! ents receive two formal reports a year- a mid term progress report with targets, and an end of year summary report. In addition, a brief monthly report is sent out giving marks of tests in English and Maths and an indication of progress in reading. Our school is registerd with the Department of Education and Skills in the UK and at the end of Key stage 1 and Key stage 2, our children take the SAT tests mandated by them. Our staff are highly qualified and experienced in the teaching of the English national curriculum. They are mainly expatriate teachers who have had the experience of many years of teaching in international schools allover the world and Highly trained and experienced local teachers The school is equipped to a high standard with an up to date library, ICT ROOM, Music and multipurpose hall and a good range of resources. The school year is divided into three terms, MICHAELMAS Term which starts in September after the summer holidays, The LENT term which starts in January after the christmas holidays and the TRINITY term which starts after the Easter holiday. The school day begins at 8. 15am and ends at 1. 30pm for the Key stage 1 and ends at 2. 30pm for the rest of the school. The school also closes for a mid term break each term and observes all the Nigerian public holidays. There are also Parent/teacher open days to discuss the progress of the children and this is done every term. The school shares with parents the high expectations for our children and to this end we provide a challenging, stimulating and relevant curriculum. With our international community, we are uniquely placed to develop children's understanding of and respect for people from different countries, religions and cultures. Our guiding principles are that children will have equality of opportunity and equal rights within the school. An important aspect of our work is the personal development of our children. Principles of justice and fairness are taught and we encourage children to take responsibility within the life and work of the school. We help children to develop skills and attitudes needed to become responsible adults and citizens who are capable of making decisions about their lives and significant contributions to the world around them. |