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Etisalat Academy

In 1976, five years after the Trucial States became the United Arab Emirates - a Federation of seven emirates - Emirates Telecommunication Corporation came into being.

Within a short span of just two decades, the Corporation has succeeded in transforming the UAE into one of the most advanced countries in the world in the field of telecommunications by providing advanced, efficient and reliable services.

Businesses use a wide range of state-of-the art services offered by Etisalat. New services are constantly being introduced with existing ones regularly being upgraded - these are all designed with the aim of helping customers to streamline and improve their communication needs, stay productive and compete globally.

Etisalat’s network of Satellite, Earth and Coastal stations; landlines covering the length and breadth of the UAE; submarine cable systems, cable ships, optic fiber cables and international projects are all utilised to service the communication needs of its local and international customers.

Our Staff and their training

Our staff are our most valuable investment. Their flair, dedication, experiences and maturity equips them well to take on the challenges of varied customer demands. As such, they are the strength behind the Corporation’s successful performance spanning over two decades.

The Development and Training Department at Etisalat arranges their training. We offer in-depth training not only in Engineering, Accounts, Commercial Administration and Personnel and the English Language but also in Management, Supervisory and Customer Service Skills. Staff members are given to understand that they contribute equally, irrespective of the positions or the nature of their work. Consequently, they take pride in being team members and work towards our common goal of providing excellent quality customer service.

The Etisalat College of Engineering, established in Sharjah in 1989 offers students a specialised program of study in collaboration with an internationally renowned university. Initially students follow a two-year course which leads to a BTEC (UK) Diploma in Telecommunication Engineering and then spend a further three years studying for the Honours Degree of Bachelor of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. The college, well on its way to becoming a Centre of Excellence throughout the Middle East Region makes its training expertise available to other GCC based telecommunication corporations. Short courses of varying duration can also be offered on subjects such as Digital Switching, Data Communication, Network Planning and Optical Fiber Technology.

The Future

The future will bring with it many challenges. Customers will demand more than just state-of-the-art technology. Businesses will look for total telecommunication solutions that will not only enable them to remain productive and compete globally but will also give them a competitive edge and a return on their investment .

Etisalat is well-placed to meet these challenges head-on. We will continue to be there - contributing - in guiding, assisting and developing cost-effective technologically advanced products and services that will meet the varied needs of our local and international customers and pave the way for the region’s new dynamism in the telecommunications industry well into the 21st Century.

Etisalat Academy

Etisalat Academy is one of the major professional Centers of Excellence in the Gulf Region & Middle East. It offers training solutions & consultancy services in career development for diversified and different levels of professionals. The Academy offers specialized courses in the various fields of Telecom Engineering, Information Technology, Information Security, Networks & Systems Administration, Management, TQM, Accounting and Finance.

The Academy unique premises spreads over an area of one million square feet. Besides, the Academy has three class Residence Hostels, offering luxurious accommodation services. It also has more than sixty classrooms, Language & Software Labs and Network Labs.

There is also a unique Recreation & Sports Complex attached, providing a perfect training environment. It also includes of a real telecom network identical to the operating network in the Emirates with all its exchanges, equipment, services, mobile phone systems, Cable TV and an Earth Station for hands-on training.

One of the principal objectives of the Academy is preparing the Cadres of Etisalat, particularly Nationals, to support the Corporate noble drives in Emiratisation. In parallel, training opportunities are extended and offered to other organizations, institutions, companies and Ministries inside the country and in the Gulf Region & Middle East.

Trainees from formal and private business sectors in the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Jordan, Sudan, Ghana, Morocco, Syria and the Palestinian Authority have attended these events.

Etisalat Academy enjoys the membership of the International Management Development Institute (IMD) in Switzerland, City & Guilds, UK & is the Regional representative for the MIS & ISI (the IT-training giants of USA).

The annual training indicators of the Academy are published annually in the American Society of Training and Development (ASTD) review report, based on its high quality courses and conformity with quality benchmarks of training standards. Such reports are distributed to all professional institutions all over the world.

The Academy is also ISO Certified in training management, technical and business training, Nationals development programs, career development and training operations. Besides, it also provides consultancy services in human resources development for various local firms using its highly qualified professionals and training consultants.

A word about e-Competency Center

With a partnership with SHL GROUP ( UK ) the world leader in objective people assessment we offer performance solutions across the entire lifecycle.

Our in-depth assessment tools help organizations identity key skills & competencies required for particular roles to match the right people to the right job.
We view assessment objectives as a three stages process

Firstly we add value at the divination stage to identify the requirements of a specific role and the competencies needed by a candidate to fulfill these. Secondly measure people's core skills and talents to find the perfect match as we believe in matching the right person to the right job & importantly the right job to the individual. But It does not stop there objective assessment should be an ongoing process, 360 degree performance assessment tool reviews to map out a detailed personal development plan, will keep employees motivated & satisfied, improving performance.

We Believe We believe that the science of objective assessment will ensure that the right people in the right jobs for the benefits of themselves and for the organizations in which they work.

We lead the industry through our research of the current talent requirements in the workplace and in the development of innovative tools to assess people objectively.

We exploit advanced technology so that our products & services can be delivered cost - effectively across the global.

We focus on delivering value to organizations by ensuring jobs are matched to the right people in order to improve business performance.

Where we create value Reduce the risks of recruitment.

Minimize the costs of selection.
Recognize the potential in people.
Reduce staff turnover.
Improve productivity.
Manage effective performance.
Effect transition programs.
Control succession planning.
Reinforce ( achieve ) equal opportunity programs.

Etisalat Academy
P.O.Box: 99100
Dubai - UAE

Tel: +971 4 264 44 44
Fax: +971 4 264 88 88




Etisalat Academy