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Durban University of Technology


South Africa



The Durban University of Technology (DIT) formed by the merger of Technikon Natal and ML Sultan Technikon, is a vibrant multi-campus tertiary institution at the cutting edge of higher education, technological training and research. It is committed to turning out highly skilled graduates who are equipped to meet the demands of the workplace and the special needs of a changing society. A period of compulsory experiential learning provides working experience during the courses of students studies. Graduates are ready to make an active contribution in their chosen fields. According to Prof Ncayiyana As a state higher education institution DIT brings a solid reputation, stretching over almost a century, of internationally recognised degrees and diplomas. With the hands-on skills that it provides, it is a ticket to good employment. DIT students also represent the demographic profile of the region, and the DIT is proactive and sensitive in promoting cross-cultural awareness and understanding in a safe environment.

The Durban University of Technology offers a variety of full-time and part-time programmes leading to a variety of tertiary qualifications. These range from certificate courses (one year full-time study) to National Diplomas (three years of full-time study) to Bachelors, Masters and Doctorate in technology degrees.

The Durban University of Technology has six campuses - Durban City, Berea (Steve Biko and ML Sultan), Indumiso on the outskirts of Pietermaritzburg), Pietermaritzburg and Richards Bay.

Advanced equipment, modern technology, library services, student residences, career guidance counseling, financial aid, computer-aided learning centres, health services, sports facilities and social clubs serve the main campus. All campuses are accessible by public transport and provide a friendly environment in which to study.


The Mighty Elephant

The mighty elephant has earned the respect it commands. Few other creatures possess comparable majesty, dignity, regal bearing, caring and intelligence. For the people of KwaZulu-Natal the elephant occupies a special place in history and cultural significance. According to Durban University of Technology (DIT) Vice Chancellor, Professor Dan J. Ncayiyana, To speak to the people of KwaZulu Natal, the DIT adopted the tusks of the mighty elephant into its flag and logo. We were also speaking to our king and our royal house, Hindus who revere the elephant as a God and our wider nation which cherishes it as a symbol of Africa.

The merger in April 2002 brought together the vast campuses of two technikons including sites in other parts of Durban and Pietermaritzburg.


ML Sultan Campus

41/43 Centenary Road Durban 4001

P O Box 1334 Durban 4000


 (031) 308 5111

Steve Biko Campus

70 Mansfield Road Berea Durban 4001

P O Box 1334 Durban 4000


(031) 204 2111

Brickfield Campus

96 Brickfield Road Overport Durban 4001

P O Box 1334 Durban 4000


(031) 203 1715 or 203 1750

City Campus

cnr Smith Street, Warwick Avenue & Berea Road Durban 4001

P O Box 1334 Durban 4000


(031) 204 2111

Riverside Campus

19 Aberfeldy Road Scottsville Pietermaritzburg 3209

P O Box 101112 Scottsville 3209


(033) 845 8800

Indumiso Campus

F J Sithole Road Imbali Pietermaritzburg 3201

Private Bag X 9077 Pietermaritzburg 3200


(033) 398 1741

Gamalakhe Campus

Road 36 Gamalakhe 4249

Private Bag X 715

Gamalakhe 4249


(039) 318 1430

http: //

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ML Sultan Campus

41/43 Centenary Road Durban 4001

P O Box 1334 Durban 4000


 (031) 308 5111

Steve Biko Campus

70 Mansfield Road Berea Durban 4001

P O Box 1334 Durban 4000


(031) 204 2111

Brickfield Campus

96 Brickfield Road Overport Durban 4001

P O Box 1334 Durban 4000


(031) 203 1715 or 203 1750

City Campus

cnr Smith Street, Warwick Avenue & Berea Road Durban 4001

P O Box 1334 Durban 4000


(031) 204 2111

Riverside Campus

19 Aberfeldy Road Scottsville Pietermaritzburg 3209

P O Box 101112 Scottsville 3209


(033) 845 8800

Indumiso Campus

F J Sithole Road Imbali Pietermaritzburg 3201

Private Bag X 9077 Pietermaritzburg 3200


(033) 398 1741

Gamalakhe Campus

Road 36 Gamalakhe 4249

Private Bag X 715

Gamalakhe 4249


(039) 318 1430


http: //