Study Botany in South
Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences University of Pretoria
South Africa

botanic garden is a collection of living plants that is scientifically
managed for the purposes of education, research, conservation and
community service. The Manie van der Schijff Botanical Garden
currently has about 3 000 plant species that cover approximately 3.5
hectares of the University's West campus.
van der Schijff Botanical Garden

The primary aim of the garden is to raise awareness of southern
Africa's indigenous flora through the dissemination and acquisition of
botanical knowledge. This includes the provision of plant material for
education and research purposes, the collection and propagation of
rare and endangered species, as well as research into indigenous plant
species with horticultural potential. The dissemination of this
knowledge to the broader community is also considered to be very
important and the Garden Route was developed to help meet this need.
The first recorded botanical garden was created around the time of the
Red Emperor, Shen Nung, who died in 2697 B.C. The plants in his garden
were used for testing herbal medicine. Many of the plants in the Manie
van der Schijff Botanical Garden also have medicinal value and are
often collected and tested by members of the Botany Department. For
more information on the medicinal uses of the plants in the garden
please see the species list.
New images of the Manie
van der Schijff Cycad Nursery have been added
the Botanical Garden
The Garden had its beginnings as far back as 1924 when
species were planted on the campus for research purposes. The real
impetus came in the 1930s with Barend Elbrecht, a man with a
passion and enthusiasm for the southern African flora that live on
in the many large trees and cycad specimens that were planted
during his time at the University. In 1986 the Garden was named
after Manie van der Schijff to honour the contributions that he
made towards the development of the Garden. The Garden is run by
the Garden Committee which is responsible for formulating and
implementing policy.

to the Botany Building
Postal Address: Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences University of Pretoria 0002 Pretoria South Africa
Fax: 362 5099
Botany: Prof Marion Meyer
Tel: 420 2224 or 420 3770