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St Andrew's College South Africa

upper1.jpg (29061 bytes)The St Andrew's College curriculum offers a wide range of options to pupils with many different interests and talents, and allows for individual attention and assistance. High achievers who need extra challenges are continually stimulated and pupils of lesser academic capability can progress in a group that builds esteem and confidence.

From Grade10-12, pupils are generally divided into "sets" according to individual ability in each subject, while in Grades 8 and 9, there is a combination of setting and mixed ability groups. The teacher: pupil ratio is about 1: 12 which enables both a range of subjects and individual aspirations to flourish in classes which are usually upwards of 20. Within these small classes, pupils are encouraged to think independently, to develop enquiring minds and the capacity to do research using resources such as the Internet and our own Intranet.

merriman1.jpg (27284 bytes)Each boy is assigned an academic tutor who monitors his progress and assists with any personal problems that may arise. The tutor is, in turn, responsible to the Housemaster, who is in charge of the pupil's overall development. This personal attention, together with small classes, dedicated and well-qualified staff and a system that allows for the boys to progress at a rate which builds self-esteem, gives each pupil the best possible learning environment. St Andrew's has a fine tradition of academic achievement to prove this.

In Grades 8 and 9, most of the classes are single-gender which allows for boys and girls to settle into the own environments, but from Grade 10, classes are combined with the Diocesan School for Girls (DSG). This gives pupils to co-educational experience and, thus, optimises both schools' resources and strengths.

Pupils write the matriculation examination of the Independent Examination Board (IEB) which enjoys a high profile both within South Africa and abroad. Access to such events as the National Arts or Science Festivals significantly enriches the academic and cultural programme enjoyed by St Andrew's pupils.

In Grades 8 and 9, boys take a wide range of subjects so that they are able to establish where their special aptitude and interest lies before specialisation in Grades 10-12.

Subjects offered at Grade 8 and 9 level are, inter alia:
English (First Language)
Afrikaans (First and Second Language)
Religious Education
Classical Civilisation
Design and Technology
Information Technology
Business Skills
Drama and Speech
Media Skills

In Grades 10-12, six (or more) subjects are carefully chose from a range of options:

Group 1: English
Group 2: Afrikaans (L1 or L2) / French
Group 3: Maths / Business Ec (Grade11&12)/ Biblical Studies (Grade12)
Group 4: Biology / Computer Studies / French / Geography/ Music / Drama / isiXhosa
Group 5: Geography / History / Physical Science
Group 6: Accounting / Art / Biology / History
Seventh Subjects: Additional Mathematics, German

Boarding at St Andrew's

St Andrew's College is primarily a boarding school, providing a home for pupils from all over the country, and, indeed, from all over the world. This makes for an interesting student body in which boys can forge friendships with classmates from all corners of the globe. About 85% of our pupils are boarders. Boys are accommodated in 6 different houses: Armstrong, Espin, Graham, Merriman, Upper and Mullins. Each House accommodates upwards of 70 boys.
These Houses, each with each own identity and traditions, form an all-important home-from-home for boarders. Housemasters live in the Houses with their families and are responsible for all aspects of the development of each boy. Housemasters are significant members of the staff and on the Headmaster's Executive Committee. As such, each Housemaster has an important influence on the direction of school policy and plays a critical role in the nurturing of the boys in his House. Housemasters are assisted by a Deputy Housemaster, House Tutors, a Matron, a Student Tutor and by elected pupil leaders.
The House is the boy's immediate community in which he sleeps, does his prep, relaxes with his friends and spends leisure time. Houses have common rooms, television and video and other recreational facilities. Meals are served in the House dining halls, and catering is outsourced to a professional catering firm.

As juniors, boys share dormitories, but are given increasing privacy and independence with seniority, eventually graduating to their own rooms.

Friendly Inter-House rivalry plays an important role at the School, and boys grow proud and supportive of the House. There is a sense of belonging and being part of a team which provides for a family atmosphere in each House.

Boarders enjoy varying leave-out privileges according to their seniority, and are able to go to a local cinema or restaurant from time to time. Afternoon town leave allows them time to shop for personal requirements, and parents and relatives can invite boarders out for meals on Sundays and, at certain times, for a sleep-out.

A General Practitioner visits our sanatorium very morning and in the afternoon if necessary, and a fully qualified nursing sister looks after boys until they are well enough to return to classes.

Contact Address:

St Andrew's College
Somerset Street
PO Box 182
South Africa


+27 (0)46 622 7214


+27 (0)46 636 1806
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St Andrew's College


St Andrew's College
Somerset Street
PO Box 182
South Africa

Tel: +27 (0) 46 603 2300
Fax: +27 (0) 46 603 2381

Tel: +27 (0) 46 603 2300
Fax: +27 (0) 46 603 2381