![]() Study Agriculture & Forestry Sciences in South AfricaFaculty of Agriculture & Forestry Sciences at Stellenbosch University South Africa
Ours is a unique faculty in the country, inter alia through our special knowledge partnerships with the very important agricultural and forestry industries. We are committed to train students and to conduct research for serving the industry. Our students all recognize the need to gain an understanding of the challenging applied sciences to eventually play the following roles in the world of employment: Develop
and manage new production and processing techniques;
will discover that this well-established, world-class faculty has the
following attributes:
are the premier education, training and research centre for the
important agricultural and forestry industries. There is no better way
to start your career than by joining our faculty.
The Importance of the Faculty of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences
provision of sufficient high-quality food and sufficient plant and
animal fibre at affordable prices, as well as the creation of employment
and entrepreneurial opportunities, are some of the challenges facing the
present-day agricultural and forestry industries. These opportunities
and challenges are further influenced by the diversity of our
country?s topography, soil varieties, variable climate, limited water
resources and the stricter requirements that selective consumers are
constantly setting for agricultural and forestry produce. South Africa
boasts a large variety of animal and plant life that, while agricultural
and forestry activities are being carried out, must be protected and
conserved to ensure that our descendants will also be able to enjoy our
natural resources. These are the challenges facing you, the future
agricultural or forestry scientist.
South Africa agriculture contributes almost 5% to the gross inland
product, is an important earner of foreign exchange (R14,118 million in
1996), is a large employer (10% of formal job opportunities) and
provides in basic human needs for food and fibre. Agro-tourism
increasingly becomes more important as an industry and provides escape
to many citizen dwellers. For every R1 million increase in the final
demand for agricultural produce, 83 new job opportunities are created,
compared to a corresponding figure of only 29 such opportunities in the
remainder of the economy. It is generally acknowledged that agriculture
plays an important role in poverty relief. Soils
with optimal physical and chemical conditions are scarce and occur
locally, although there are various unique soil-climate associations
that enable the provision of products for niche markets. South
Africa has a shortage of water. About 30% of South Africa receives less
than 250 mm of rain per year, about 34% receives between 250 and 500 mm,
25% between500 and 750 mm and only 11% of the country has a rainfall of
more than 750 mm per year. Rainfall for large parts of the country is
uncertain and periodic droughts occur regularly. Because of these and
other factors, South Africa is for its water supply largely dependent on
reservoirs and subterranean water sources. Slightly more than 1,2
million ha is under irrigation. Presently agriculture is still the main
user of water, about 50%, but there is increasing pressure on
agriculture to relinquish more water for industrial and domestic use.
Only 10% of agricultural land can be utilised without irrigation. The
management of forestry plantations in water catchments areas has to
follow strict guidelines. Water and irrigation management therefore
requires particular expertise. South
Africa is thus pre-eminently an agricultural country. We can due to the
varying climate and topography grow almost any crop. We are furthermore
in the fortunate position to be presently self sufficient in most
primary food and fibre requirements for the fast growing population of
the country. Types of food in which the country at present is not self
sufficient, but which are produced in considerable quantities, are
wheat, oil seeds, rice, tea and coffee. More than 33% of the total value
of horticultural production is exported. Of this, pome fruit makes up
the largest volume. Other examples of South African exports are
subtropical fruit, maize, sugar, vegetables, wine, cut flowers, flower
bulbs, mohair and karakul pelts. 81% of agricultural land is under
natural pasture, used mainly for extensive stock farming. This is almost
70% of the total land surface of South Africa. Stock farming includes
farming with a variety of animals including cattle, pigs, small stock
and poultry. Aquaculture is a strong upcoming industry with considerable
potential. Besides
production of fresh produce, post harvest handling, product manufacture,
food processing, storage and preservation are important post harvest
value adding actions. The basis of the ultimate quality of the product
enjoyed by the consumer is founded in the soil or herd. Careful and
responsible pest and disease management is thus also required. Forestry
Africa has beautiful indigenous forests. Some of the tree species
produce timber, which compare with the best in the world. Unfortunately,
the area of indigenous forests is limited and it was already many years
ago necessary to plant tree species from other parts of the world. The
demand for timber shows a steady increase. To fulfill in the need and to
ensure adequate timber resources for the future, the production from the
current 1,3 million ha afforested area needs to be expanded by new
afforestation or by increasing the current production level from
existing plantations. When
trees reach maturity, the timber needs to be harvested. This facet of
the forestry industry is very complicated, especially in instances where
plantations are planted on steep mountain slopes. The road systems need
to be planned in detail and the harvesting equipment needs to be
acquired and used efficiently. The
processing of the timber is the next step in the value chain. It can
either be done at a sawmill where it is sawn, seasoned and graded, ready
to be used as building or furniture timber, send to a paper mill or
processed into chips or fiber. Forests
do not only fulfill in our timber needs. It also provides outdoor
recreational facilities. The need for forests and parks are becoming
increasingly important, especially with the current population growth.
The majority of forestry areas are accessible to the public. The wider
field of conservation ecology addresses this aspect, for example the
conservation of the fauna and flora and the management of the natural
environment for its esthetical and scientific importance. Trees also
play an important role in rural and urban areas for the production of
firewood, bark, medicine and ornaments, thereby enhancing the general
quality of life. Seen
against the above background, it is thus obvious that particular
knowledge, skills and management expertise is required for sustainable
agricultural and forestry production. Our wide array of teaching
programmes thus cover all aspects of natural resource management, plant
and animal production, post harvest operations and economic management,
from the basic science, through to the practice and business of the
respective value chains of agriculture and of forestry. Graduates
in agriculture and forestry can follow a variety of professions dealing
with aspects of production, conservation, processing and marketing of
both plant and animal study fields. There are, for example, careers in
research, teaching, consultation, extension, farm management,
environmental management and installation management (cellars, food
factories and sawmills). Professions and careers such as these are not
only practised in agricultural and forestry concerns, but also in
associated industries, commercial enterprises and government
departments. Graduates of this Faculty enjoy high regard in the
international labour market.
Leopoldt van Huyssteen
Marais Building
(0) 21 8084737
(0) 21 8082001
of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences
of Stellenbosch
Bag X1 7602