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Study Compassionate Theology in South Africa

As an ecumenical Faculty of Theologyat the University of Stellenbosch we engage the pressing social and moral challenges of our South African and African context through a deep spirituality of compassion and academically sound theology. The celebration of our multiculturality and diversity becomes a wellspring of hope in suffering, and justice that impacts society. Our teaching and research focuses on the public sphere where questions of development, moral regeneration, poverty and HIV/Aids are addressed by critical theological reflection that fosters an international and interdisciplinary approach. We strive to integrate the values of integrity, creativity, hospitality and transparency on our journey of faith and action towards human diginity and an integrated Christian identity. Our programmes invite participation at pre-graduate and especially at post-graduate levels, with the full aray of theological disciplines as avenues of study and research.
Our pregraduate programmesprepare participants for ministry in a church, Christian leadership, pastoral work and community-related service on terrains of development, HIV/Aids, conflict management, and poverty. Our postgraduate programmes offer research opportunities at Diploma, Masters and Doctoral level and even caters for students from other disciplines who want to further their postgraduate studies in theology. Our programmes centre around contextual and relevant theological training, cherishing the Bible as source of knowledge and insight. We want to impact ethically and publicly and contribute to the process of social transformation. We have a South African and African focus, that at the same time fosters other international academic contact and partnerships. The diversity of the faculty's students as well as staff creates an interesting and dynamic context in which the interwoveness of theology in all of her aspects can be experienced and celebrated.

The faculty follows anintegrated approach to learningwhich means that programmes are so structured as to incorporate knowledge, skills and values through practical learning experiences combined with theoretical reflection in class. Learning at the faculty is supported by up to date technology in the form of a computerlab, a system for learning on the web, as well as the use of audio-visual equipment in the teaching process. All this is undergirded by a deep spirituality which is celebrated as a faculty. Our new faculty chapel serves as focal point for our desire to engage in ethical questions, the problem of meaning and suffering and the crucial question of human dignity and identity, in a spirit of contemplation, preaching and worship that centres around Scripture.

The faculty fosters its close ties with the broader societythrough the activities of its centres, units and buros:
  • The Beyers Naud Centre for Public Theology, by means of (a) thorough research, (b) education and training as well as (c) appropriate service initiatives, strives to assist Christians (i.e. individual Christians in their various personal and public roles, church leaders, congregations, denominations, ecumenical bodies, inter-religious organisations etc.) in identifying, describing and fulfilling their responsibility in the various public spheres of the democratic South African society, namely in politics, economics, civil society and public opinion.
  • NetACT is the Network for African Congregational Theology, a network of theological institutions in the Presbyterian and Reformed tradition. Congregational Theology is theology as practiced in the Christian Congregation as the body of Christ, discerning the will of God in the process of interpreting the Scriptures and its own specific context, empowering the Congregation to address its multiple problems, challenges and sufferings, in Sub-Saharan Africa manifest in the pandemic of HIV/AIDS, abuse of power, corruption and economic injustice (among others).
  • The Unit for Demographic and development Research (URDR)incorporates demographic research with burning social issues like poverty. The URDR's mission is to empower faith-based communities towards self-reliant sustainable development activity and outcomes through research, theorizing and training.
  • BUCTER (Buro for Continued Theological Education and Research) furthers the theological training of ministers in the church through courses, literature and networking among different church groups and societal organizations.

We welcome international students from the rest of the continent of Africa, from Asia, from Europe as well as North- and South America. The dialogue, interaction and diversity fosters a challenging and creative context for discussing and doing theology of the highest academic quality in Africa. Join us in our search for justice and truth as we strive for social transformation and reconcilliation, locally as well as globally. The beautiful surroundings of the faculty and the romantic town of Stellenbosch, offers a quiet space for theological enquiry and reflection on burning life issues..

For more information on our faculty, her staff and the programmes offered, please visit our website at address:
We can also be contacted at:
Faculty of Theology, 171 Dorpstreet, Stellenbosch, 7600, South Africa
Tel: ++27 +21 (808) 3255/ Fax: ++27 +21 (808) 3251/ Email:

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Fakulteit Teologie, Universiteit Stellenbosch

Dorpstraat 171, Stellenbosch, 7600

Tel: (021) 808-2913 (w)

Faks/ Fax:   (021) 808-3251