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Study at the University of Fort Hare

Come and spend three or four of the best years of your life with us!
The East London Campus was founded in 1981 and it has grown a great deal since the first few students registered for Commerce degrees. Now the campus offers a wide range of degree, diploma, certificate and postgraduate courses. More information about these will follow.
There are a number of features that make the East London Campus distinctive. Amongst these is the profile of the student body. Catering for full and part-time students equally, the campus offers opportunities to mix with a wider range of other students than is available in many other contexts. Relatively small classes (most have less than 100 students) and close interaction with the academic staff means more personal attention and encourages greater involvement of students in their work. The end result is that successive generations of graduates have achieved prominence out of all proportion to their small number.
Some East London Campus characteristics:
1. Distinctive: "Small is Beautiful". The campus is one of South Africa's smallest but enjoys a reputation for excellence.
2. Size: There are about 2 000 students on the campus.
3. Teacher-Student Relationships: With one member of the teaching staff for every 30 students, the campus has one of the best teacher/student ratios in South Africa.
4. Location: Its location in the city is a distinctive feature of the East London Campus. The campus buildings include academic and administrative facilities; a well-developed and rapidly growing library; a well-stocked student cafeteria and computer laboratories for the use of students.
Many of the local hotels and boarding houses accommodate students from the campus and other tertiary institutions in the city. Students are thus able to mix with a range of other students in their spare time. Access to transport is one of the challenges faced by students, but students make creative use of lift schemes and the public transport that is available. Many of the more popular accommodation facilities are within walking distance of the campus and students often walk in groups to and from these facilities. Proximity to the sea and to other well-established recreational and entertainment facilities means that students are able to develop a vibrant social life next to their place of study and residence.
5. Reputation: Graduates of the East London Campus have attained leadership positions in the country and in the region. Some are well placed, for instance, in the Eastern Cape government. The campus has earned a reputation for the high quality of its education and its degrees are internationally recognised.
6. Academic Excellence: Teaching and research rank with the best.
7. Sport: The campus Sports Council offers a supportive and facilitative service for sports initiatives. See the section headed Sport for further details.
8. Financial Aid: Aid in the form of low-interest loans is offered along with a large merit based scholarship programme. Discounts are also offered to first-year students who perform well in their final matriculation examinations.
9. Cultural Activities: There are a number of student-driven societies on campus with an ongoing need for the development of more. There are many opportunities for students to develop their own interests and take on leadership positions.
10. Student Representation: The Students' Representative Council is an active and important channel for student participation and leadership on the campus. The SRC takes leadership in social and cultural activities and runs a community service project.
11. Diversity: The campus has one of the most varied student bodies of any tertiary institution in South Africa. It is made even more markedly diverse by its mixture of full and part-time students.
12. Pre-Professional Study: The East London Campus offers the only degree course for careers in Primary Education in the region. Other professional training courses offered in East London include Accounting, Psychology, Social Work and Law.
13. Diploma and Certificate Programmes: A wide range of diploma and certificate programmes is available, including those run by the Johnson and Johnson Leadership Development Institute; various courses offered in the Departments of Information Systems and Management; and the teacher upgrade programmes in the Department of Education. The Postgraduate Diploma in Accountancy is also offered.
14. Postgraduate Programmes: The campus offers a range of postgraduate degree programmes at Honours and Master's level (see later details) with some departments able to offer supervision at Doctoral level too.
15. Counselling and Career Services: An active Career Counselling Centre offers comprehensive personal counselling to students, with referrals to other professionals when needed. The Student Bureau is available to offer guidance with regard to degree and diploma regulations and curriculum structure and also assist with queries regarding admissions, fees and matriculation exemptions. The Administrator of Fees assists with Debit Order and fees queries.
16. Institutes on the Campus: The unique Johnson and Johnson Leadership Development Institute, affiliated to the University is based at the campus, as is a branch of the Institute for Social and Economic Research. The campus is also home to a resource centre for primary teachers. Furthermore, the East London Health Resource Centre, situated behind Frere Hospital, and the Queenstown Health Resource Centre, situated on the premises of Frontier Hospital in Queenstown, are run through a collaborative effort between the campus and the Provincial Department of Health.
17. The Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC) serves both students and staff. Students can submit drafts of assignments to the TLC's Writing Centre for ideas for improvement before submitting their assignments to their departments for assessment. Students can attend Supplemental Instruction (SI) sessions during which they can engage with other students in discussion of material covered in lectures. The TLC can also assist students with exam strategies for improving exam techniques, learning and reading skills, time management or understanding an assignment.

Through teaching, research and community service, Fort Hare East London contributes to the advancement of international scholarship and the development of the Eastern Cape and southern Africa.


The Director, University of Fort Hare, East London


TEL +27 (0)43 704 7000 FAX +27 (0)43 704 7112

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University of Fort Hare

East London Campus


The Director, University of Fort Hare, East London


Tel: +27 (0)43 704 7000

Fax: +27 (0)43 704 7112

