International Education

Hyundai Foreign School

260 Seobudong, Dong-ku, Ulsan, 682 030, South Korea
Tel: (+82) 522 50 2851/2
Fax: (+82) 522 32 3220
Web site: http: //


Head of School - Geoffry Livingstone
Headteacher - Hugh Dyson

Full time:   5 men, 7 women
Part time:   0 men, 1 women
Nationalities:  5   CURRICULUM AND EXAMS:

:   UK, International,

Age Range: 3-14
Total Enrolment: 108
Nationalities: 28
53 boys, 55 girls
Early Years Foundation Stage: 19
Elementary School: 80
Middle School: 9

Day only: KWON 9000000-KWON 12500000
Other Fees: Registration fee Kwon 300, 000
Hyundai Foreign School is located within the Hyundai Heavy Industries Foreigners' Compound. It was initially established by HHI in September 1982 to provide primary education for the children of their foreign clients. Places are now offered to other non-Hyundai children in the international community and the school accepts children aged 3 – 14 years of age.
The school building is purpose-built. Facilities include a well-resourced library, canteen, computer suite, hall and a small playground. The school also has access to other nearby sport facilities. The Early Years’ Centre houses the Foundation Stage children and is located a short distance from the main school. All teaching staff are fully qualified teachers with wide experience in both international schools and schools in their home countries. The school is an English medium school and the curriculum is based on the English system of education paired with the International Primary Curriculum.
Children whose native language is not English are given assistance with 'English as a second language'. The school year runs from late August to June and is divided into three terms. Fees are quoted per annum but are paid in three installments prior to the beginning of each term. Some extra-curricular activities are offered throughout the year and involve an additional fee. The capacity of the class is limited to a maximum of 20 children per class, but this number can be variable and is mainly dependant on the number of children on roll who do not have English as their mother tongue. The Head teacher will designate the maximum numbers per class.
It is necessary to register a child before they can attend Hyundai Foreign School. Parents or companies planning to bring children to Ulsan should request up-to-date information on the availability of places, full details of entry requirements and current school fees. Admission is based on previous school records and a personal interview where possible.