Khartoum International Community SchoolKICS, Wad Medani Road, Hai El Raki, P. O. Box 1840, Khartoum, Sudan Tel: (++249) 1 832 15000 Fax: (++249) 1 832 15215 Email: info@kics. sd Web site: www.kics. sd ADMINISTRATION: Principal - Nigel Winnard FACULTY: Full time: men, women Part time: men, women Nationalities: CURRICULUM AND EXAMS: Curriculum: PYP, IB Exams: IGCSE, IB ENROLMENT: Age Range: 3-18 Total Enrolment: 408 Nationalities: 210 boys, 198 girls Infant: 110 Junior: 128 Section: 170 FEES: Khartoum International Community School is the only IB World in Sudan. We offer an international education to children of the expatriate and local communities. The school recognizes the international composition of the student body in a Sudanese context through appropriate diversity of its programmes, teaching materials and activities. The two-semester academic year of 180 days starts in early August and ends in May, with a 2 - 3 week Winter break. The school is situated on the southern edge of the city of Khartoum and runs a door-to-door bus service. The Infant Section (ages 3-6, Little KICS - Y2) and Junior Section (ages 7-11, Y3 - Y6) follow the PYP. The Senior Section (ages 11-18, Y7 - Y13), follow a programme leading to IGCSE at the end of Year 11 and the IB Diploma at the end of Year 13. The highly experienced faculty of 65 is drawn from 15 nationalities, all having qualified teacher status with many holding advanced degrees. The school operates a successful Optimal Learning Centre supporting students for whom English is an additional language and those who require learning support. Our school prides itself on strong pastoral care and attention to individual need. A key feature of life at KICS is the rich extra-curricular programme of sports, arts, clubs, and societies. This rich diversity of extra curricular activities is facilitated by the wide variety of sporting facilities available on campus. These include a full size soccer field, air-conditioned sports hall, three all-weather tennis courts, a basketball/netball court and a 25-metre swimming pool (plus smaller teaching pool). The school has its own riding stables, which are recognized as an overseas centre by the Pony Club of Great Britain. The Arts are equally well catered for at KICS with two visual art studios, a 500-seat amphitheatre, a music department comprising acoustic teaching and practice rooms and recording studio, and a Drama Studio. Pride of place is given to our three libraries, still rapidly expanding, but currently housing a total of around 20, 000 books and over 50 international journals. |