Switzerland International Colleges
Biel School of Engineering
ecolePolytechnique Federale de Lausanne
Ecole d'Inginieurs de l'eat de Vaud
Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales
European Graduate School
Franklin College Switzerland
Ingenieurschule HTL Chu
International University in Geneva
Interstaatliche Ingenieurschule Neu_technikum Buchs (NTB)
Interstate Institute of Technology St. Gallen
Rapperswil School of Engineering
School of Engineering of Bern HTL
School of Engineering of Brugg-Windisch HTL
School of Engineering of Burgdorf HTL
Stained Glass Craft and Fine Arts College
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich
UBIS University of Business and International Studies
AKAD Aarau, Basel, Bern, Geneva, Lausanne, Lugano, Lucerne, St.
Gallen, Zurich
AiSTS International Academy of Sports Science and Technology (AiSTS)
- Lausanne
BSL Business School Lausanne
Berufsschule Davos Davos-Platz
DCT DCT University Center - Vitznau-Lucerne
Dolmetscherschule Z?ich IUED-Institute of Translation and
Interpreting - Winterthur
EU European University European University (EU) - Geneva,
Ecole h?eli�re de Lausanne Lausanne Hotel School - Lausanne
European Graduate School EGS European Graduate School (EGS) -
Fachhochschule Aargau University of Applied Sciences
Northwestern Switzerland - Brugg
Fachhochschule St. Gallen FHS St. Gallen University of Applied
Sciences - St. Gallen
Fernfachhochschule Schweiz Fernfachhochschule Switzerland (FFHS
) - Brig
Franklin College Sorengo
Graduate School of Business Administration Zurich (GSBA Zurich)
Lorange Institute of Business - Zurich
Haute Ecole pedagogique- BEJUNE HEP-Bejune - Porrentruy
Haute Ecole pedagogiquedu canton de Vaud HEP-Lausanne - Lausanne
Hochschule Fe
Wirtschaft HSW Luzern Lucerne University of
Applied Sciences-School of Business - Lucerne -
IHTTI International Hotel and Tourism Training Institute (IHTTI)
- Neuch?el
Institut de hautes Etudes internationales et du d?eloppement
Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies - Geneva
Institute of Finance and Management University IFM Geneva -
Interkantonale Hochschule Fe
Heilp?agogik Z?ich Zurich
School of Special Education - Zurich -
International University in Geneva International University in
Geneva (IUG) - Geneva
Kaderschule Sankt Gallen CS Executive Schools - St. Gallen,
Kalaidos Fachhochschule Schweiz Executive Master of Switzerland
- Zurich
P?agogische Hochschule Bern PH Bern Institute - Bern
P?agogische Hochschule Schaffhausen College of Education of
Schaffhausen - Schaffhausen
P?agogische Hochschule Wallis College of Education of Wallis -
Brig, St. Maurice
P?agogische Hochschule Z?ich College of Education of Zurich -
P?agogische Hochschule des Kantons St. Gallen College of
Education of the Canton of St. Gallen - Gossau, Rorschach, St. Gallen
Robert Kennedy University Robert Kennedy College - Zurich
Swiss Business School SBS Swiss Business School - Zurich
Swiss Management Center Zug, Zurich
University Center "Caesar Ritz" Caesar Ritz Colleges Switzerland
- Brig, Le Bouveret
University of Business & International Studies Geneva (UBIS)
University of Business and International Studies Geneva (UBIS) -
World Trade Institute World Trade Institute (WTI) - Bern