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The English School at the Chelsea Centre

London, United Kingdom



School Introduction

Established in 1985, The English School at the Chelsea Centre is a small, very welcoming English School for adults. Classes are never more than 16 students, and our experienced teachers are all fully qualified native speakers. There is a good social atmosphere, with programmes for students, and a wide variety of nationalities.

You can find us on the famous King's Road in Chelsea, Central London, and with good connections to the lively West End. Many students live with local hosts.

ESL Program Introduction

Courses are 15 hours per week, 09:30 to 12:30, Monday to Friday, and students are expected to attend at least 80% for full benefit.
We mainly teach General English with emphasis on communication skills - practising speaking, listening, reading and writing for effective usage - as well as straightforward grammar and structure.
We also prepare students to take the full range of English examinations from Cambridge University, from KET (Pre-Intermediate) up to CPE (Proficiency) and can also offer preparation for the Cambridge IELTS examination.

Extra classes and individual tuition can be arranged in the afternoons, especially for specialist language needs. Outside tuition (eg, in the student's own home/hotel) can also be arranged, subject to teachers' availability.

All lessons are in British English, but students will also be made aware of differences in respect of American English.

Social programmes are also available, including tours outside London at low cost.
Lesson programmes frequently include guided visits to places of interest, theatre trips, etc.

Background Data

Schedule & Fees

Normal lesson times are from 09:30 to 12:30, Monday to Friday, but extra tuition and specialised courses can be arranged for the afternoons.

Our term dates for 2006-7 are as follows:
Summer Term: June 19th - August 18th 2006
Autumn Term: September 4th - December 15th 2006
Next Spring Term: January 8th - March 30th 2007
Early Summer Term: April 16th - June 18th 2007
Courses are designed to be joined at any time, on any Monday during term time.
Note that we take three breaks during the school year, in late Spring (Easter), in late Summer, and at New Year. Courses can cross these breaks, which are not charged for.

Tuition fees are based on the number of weeks a student wishes to study (minimum 2 weeks).
Listed here are some sample prices, but check to see if any discounts are on offer. Classes are based on 15 hours per week, but part-time options are also available. Prices are given in Pounds Sterling (UK£).
2 weeks: £125:00; 4 weeks: £235:00; 8 weeks: £410:00; 12 weeks: £525:00
6 months: £795:00; 9 months: £940:00; 1 year: £995:00
Note that courses of 6 months or more include allowances for holidays.
There is also a registration fee of £25:00 payable.

Special Courses & Features

Housing/Accommodation Info

We charge £35 for the service of finding accommodation, but take no commision from the landlord. No advance payment is required, unless you wish to make a deposit. We can also arrange airport transfers, or ensure you know your best route to the host.

Contact Info

The English School at the Chelsea Centre
World's End Place
King's Road
London SW10 0HE

0044 207 376 5901
0044 207 376 5901