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School of English Studies, Folkestone

Folkestone, United Kingdom



School Introduction

Founded in 1957, SES has been providing pioneering and proven methods of teaching for over 50 years. SES (School of English Studies) specialises in providing English language education which is challenging in its content, inspiring in its delivery and empowering in its study approach. As the first school in the UK to launch an Executive English language course and the first in the world to open a dedicated listening centre, SES has always been at the forefront of English language education.

SES is accredited by the British Council and is a member of EnglishUK. SES is licenced by the UK Border Agency to enrol international students under Tier 4 of the points based system.

ESL Program Introduction

Adult English language courses
Founded in 1957, SES has been providing pioneering and proven methods of teaching English for over 50 years. SES specialises in providing English language education which is challenging in its content, inspiring in its delivery and empowering in its study approach.

SES is a private faculty that is accredited by the British Council and is a member of English UK. SES has been licenced by the UK Border Agency to enrol international students under Tier 4 of the points based system.

SES adult English language courses
Flexible dates throughout the year. Start any Monday. Contact us to find out more today.

Intensive English
Combination Courses (Intensive English plus one-to-one tuition)
IELTS Examination Preparation
Individual Study and Customised Courses
Teacher Development (Summer only)

Young Learner English Language courses
Become an academic achiever at SES while making friends from around the world

Our aim is to make a real difference to our pupils' futures, by equipping them with comprehensive and valuable English language skills and preparing them to become competitive in the global market. In order to focus on this objective, SES offers young learners the ultimate language packages specifically designed to give them a productive learning experience by promoting maximum language learning and providing stimulating entertainment.

Our courses for Young Learners (age 14-17)
Intensive English - year round (students start any Monday)
Extended Programme - Year round (students start any Monday)
English and Activities - July and August
English and Professional Football - July

Background Data

Schedule & Fees

Special Courses & Features

Contact Info

School of English Studies, Folkestone
26 Grimston Gardens
Folkestone, Kent
CT20 2PX

0044 1303 850007
0044 1303 256544