Year round EFL, Teacher training, Foreign Languages, Business English
United Kingdom
School Introduction Cheltenham is a county town of approx 100, 000 people, Beautiful Regency town with good shopping and leisure facilities. Cheltenham is also a recognised centre for the arts, with three theatres, regular concerts and international festivals.Cheltenham is 2 hours from London by road, easy access to Heathrow & Birmingham airports An active social programmes aims to give the students a good understanding of English culture.
ESL Program Introduction
There are a number of different courses offered to cater for students needs. Teacher Training courses start every 5 weeks
A varied social programme offering 3 different activities every week including on full day excursion every Saturday
Inlingua Cheltenham is in the centre of the town just 2 minutes walk from the main High Street
Background Data
- Number of ESL Students: 70
- Average Class Size: 10
- Hours per Week: 30 max min 15
- Minimum Age: 16
- Housing Options: Homestay
- School Setting: Urban
Schedule & Fees
For General English For other course courses start every Monday
Tuition LSP 30 (30x45min) 2-7 weeks £225 16-19 wks £205 28-31 wks £183
8-11 weeks £219 20-23 wks £197 32-35 wks £175
12-15 weeks £213 24-27 wks £191 36 wks+ £165
LSP 20 (20x45min) £160 per week
For other courses please contact the school
Host Family £97 per week Bed, Breakfast and evening meal plus all meals at weekend
Special Courses & Features
- English for Business
- TOEFL Preparation Courses
- Teacher Training Courses
- IELTS Preparation Courses
- Cambridge Examination Courses
- One-to-One Instruction / Private Lessons
- Courses for Children (under 12 years old)
Contact Info
Year round EFL, Teacher training, Foreign Languages, Business English
Rodney Lodge
Rodney Rd
Cheltenham GL50 1HX
Tel +44 (0)1242 250493
Fax +44 (0)1242 250495