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Study Digital Design in Glasgow Scotland


Digital Design Studio

The Digital Design Studio (DDS) is the largest postgraduate research centre of the GSA, with a complement of multidisciplinary Masters students, PhDs and an international multidisciplinary academic and research staff. Since its inception in 1997, it has experienced substantial growth and has now located to new custom-built laboratories at Pacific Quay, Scotland’s Digital Media Quarter, Glasgow. Within this facility, Lab1 (the main teaching, research and educational laboratory) contains state of the art virtual reality, haptic and projection facilities. The 3D projection facility in Lab1 is one of the largest in Europe. The DDS specialises in advanced 3D visualisation and interaction technologies. These technologies consist of 3D laser scanning, visualisation, 3D animation, 3D stereo displays, haptics, motion tracking, gesture based interaction, advanced interfaces, ambisonic sound, and machine vision. The primary focus of research and development is centred on user interaction with real-time digital data involving multidisciplinary skill sets. The DDS has built an international reputation in 3D visualisation and interaction research supported by new tools, techniques and methodologies.


M.Des in Sound for the Moving Image

This one-year programme will enable students to explore theory, concepts, aesthetics and technology within the process of sound design & music composition for the visual environment; film, web, television, theatre and installation-based art.

There is a huge demand worldwide for programmes in music and audio production and many undergraduate programmes exist. However, there are significantly fewer post-graduate level courses available and almost none explicitly aimed at sound production for the visual environment. By providing the MA in Visual Sound the GSA is aiming to address this shortage allowing students to undertake a course of study not widely available.

MSc in Visualisation (International Heritage)

The proposed MSc Visualisation (International Heritage) will be a specialist pathway in the realm of 3D visualisation at DDS, and aims to develop the knowledge and skill sets required to deliver and conduct digital preservation of world heritage sites. and to create a unique opportunity to combine architecture and heritage with state of the art digital technologies, including 3D laser scanning, digital reconstruction of historic sites and artefacts, interaction and visualisation using virtual reality facilities. It allows an ideal opportunity for documentation, maintenance, and preservation of significant cultural sites and physical heritage assets, and to reconstruct them in a real-time 3D environment for use in tourism, art, education, entertainment and science.

MSc in Visualisation (Serious Games)

The academic sector is now responding to the growing global demand for Masters programmes in this area. Based on our expertise in 3D modeling and animation, motion capture technology, research activities of key members of academic staff in serious games, and the market demand of serious games, we develop the Serious Games pathway for the MSc Visualisation programme. This award will be appealing to students from a wide range of disciplinary backgrounds ranging from computer science, life sciences, to business studies, education, social science and media studies, the course will allow them to develop industry appropriate skills for the 21st century knowledge economy, developing a unique portfolio of work and hands on experience.

The programme is delivered via a series of taught lectures, tutorials, set and elective projects, and self‐directed learning. Students will be expected to engage in a high level of self‐directed learning, research and independent critical reflection, as well as participating in the taught elements of the course of study.

M.Phil (Research)

The MPhil is a one year research degree where students will be offered tutorial support and supervision whilst developing a practical project based on individual programmes of study. Students embarking on the MPhil programme will have already have completed a Masters degree in a relevant subject. They will also be expected to manage all aspects of their Individual Programmes of Study.


For further information on any of these programmes, please contact:

Avril McAllister

Programmes Administrator

Digital Design Studio

Glasgow School of Art Tel: 0044 141 566 1478

The Glasgow School Of Art Digital Design Studio


167 Renfrew Street | Glasgow | G3 6RQ | Scotland | United Kingdom

+44 141 353 4500


Avril McAllister

Programmes Administrator

Digital Design Studio

Glasgow School of Art

Tel: 0044 141 353 4424